本周 Spring:2011 年 8 月 23 日
欢迎来到另一期“本周 Spring”!随着我们接近下周的VMworld 2011,事情发展得非常迅速。我想邀请任何与会者访问 VMWorld Spring 展位上的专家技术人员。如果您阅读了这份每周综述,请告诉我。本周有很多话题要讨论,所以让我们开始吧!
<li>The preliminary session schedule has been published for <a href="http://www.springone2gx.com">SpringOne 2GX 2011</a>. This year's show is going to be another fantastic mix of deep technical content, cutting edge development and the absolute best place to learn about everything in the Spring universe. Be sure to <a href="http://springone2gx.com/conference/chicago/2011/10/register">register now</a>!</li>
<LI> <a href="http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.6.RELEASE/changelog.txt">Spring 3.0.6's was just released!</a>
This release addresses over 50 minor issues and includes…