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了解更多欢迎来到另一期《本周 Spring》!像往常一样,我们有很多内容要介绍,所以让我们开始吧!
<LI> The <a href = "http://bit.ly/QWSrml">Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse Now Supports Tunneling to Services</a>. This increases the parity betwen the Eclipse support (and the SpringSource Tool Suite support) and the <CODE>vmc</CODE> command-line client. </LI>
<LI> The VMware has a very cool blog taking a look the roles Spring and RabbitMQ play in
<a href = "http://blogs.vmware.com/vfabric/2012/07/spring-and-rabbitmq-behind-indias-12-billion-person-biometric-database-1.html">in the new project behind India's 1.2 Billion Person Biometric Database</a>. <EM>Very</EM> cool!
<LI> Jerry Kuch, a staff engineer at VMWare, did a very nice video <a href = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCRyNesk_ak&feature=em-uploademail">on the new features in RabbitMQ</A></LI>
Spring Security lead Rob Winch's amazing <a href = "http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Securing-OAuth2-Spring-Security">QCon New York talk on Spring Security is now available on InfoQ.com</a>.
</LI> <LI> Umar Ashfaq has put together a nice blog detailing <a href = "http://www.to-string.com/2012/08/03/springsecurity-authenticating-authorizing-ajax-requests/">how to
authenticate ajax based requests using Spring Security</A>. This blog then links to two other blogs, one on the server side implementation and another on the client side.
The approach described uses standard Spring Security web integration, but modifies the responses to work well with an Ajax client.
<LI> Umar Ashfaq also had a very nice <a href = "http://www.to-string.com/2012/07/11/springsecurity-capturing-rememberme-success-event/">post on using Spring Security's "remember me" feature</a>. </li>
<LI> The <EM>Codeyard</EM> blog has an interesting - and long! - post on <A href = "http://codeyard.wordpress.com/2012/07/31/spring-hibernate-end-to-end-integration-using-maven-spring-mvc-jsp-oracle11g-a-step-by-step-guide/">how to setup Spring and Hibernate to work together</A>.
The post uses Spring 3.0, and an older version of Hibernate. </li>
<LI> Partha Bhattacharjee has a nice post introducing <a href = "http://java.dzone.com/articles/handling-form-validation">JSR 303 bean validation with Spring</A>. </LI>
<LI> Partha Bhattacharjee also has another nice post <a href = "http://techforenterprise.blogspot.in/2012/08/introducing-spring-integration.html">introducing Spring Integration</a>. Nice job!</LI>
<LI> Markus Eisele has a post about <a href = "http://java.dzone.com/articles/getting-started-spring-social-1">using Spring Social to build the simplest possible Facebook application possible</a>. </LI>
The SolidSoft blog has an interesting post on using <a href ="http://solidsoft.wordpress.com/2012/08/07/beyond-the-mockito-refcard-part-2-convenient-mocking-beans-in-the-spring-context-with-springockito/">a library called SpringMockito to mock beans in a Spring context</a>. The library mocks beans for you and then
makes it easy to inject them and reference them as you would the real deal. This could be very compelling especially used in conjunction with Spring 3.1's profiles feature, which lets you partition
beans along <em>environments</EM>. You might, for example, have a bean called <em>development</EM>, <EM>production</EM> and <em>test</EM>.