本周 Spring - 2012 年 7 月 31 日

工程 | Josh Long | 2012 年 8 月 1 日 | ...

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本周我与 SpringSource 和 Cloud Foundry 团队的其他成员在印度班加罗尔,与主要的系统集成商讨论 Spring 和 Cloud Foundry。采用率惊人,反馈甚至更好。

相关新闻,Cloud Foundry 开放之旅将于下个月来到印度!如果您想听取思想领袖和专家的意见,并了解关于云计算、平台即服务、架构和 Spring 的信息,请务必立即注册班加罗尔或浦那的活动。期待在那里见到您!

  1. Jonathan Brisbin 宣布了Spring Data Rest 的最新版本 1.0.0.RC2,该版本具有 JSONPE 支持,并与 Spring MVC 应用程序更好地集成,以及更多配置钩子,因此您可以对框架的行为施加更多控制。
  2. David Syer 博士宣布了Spring Security OAuth 的 1.0.0.RC1 版本。Spring Security OAuth 是一个与 Spring Security 协同工作的模块,允许您公开受 OAuth 保护的 RESTful 资源。

    新版本在授权服务器功能中提供了许多新的扩展点,一个白标 UI 以获得更好的开箱即用体验,以及对安全过滤器中表达式的改进支持。请查看!

  3. <LI> WADL is a description format for RESTful web-services,  in much the same way that  WSDL describes SOAP-based web services' contracts. This excellent blog post, by Pankaj Bhatt, has an interesting approach <a href = "http://panbhatt.blogspot.in/2012/07/spring-mvc-wadl-generation.html">to generating WADL descriptions for Spring MVC-based RESTful services</a>.   </LI>
    <LI> Roger Hughes is at it again, this time with <a href ="http://java.dzone.com/articles/getting-started-spring-social-0">part 2 of his look at Spring Social</A>. </LI>
    	<LI> Nicolas Frankel has a nice blog <a href = "http://java.dzone.com/articles/method-injection-spring">on method injection with Spring</a>. 
    		Method injection is less useful with the introduction of Java configuration support, of course. Spring   supports the injection of proxies of your beans that are recreated according to their scope on access in beans of larger scopes. In XML, this means using the <CODE>&lt;aop:scoped-proxy/&gt;</CODE> element in your bean definitions, or specifying the <CODE>proxyMode</CODE> attribute  in the <CODE>@Bean</CODE> annotation on your Java configuration-based bean definitions.
    							 <LI>  Gordon Dickens is back at it, this time with a nice post on the third part of his blog series <A href = "http://gordondickens.com/wordpress/2012/07/30/enterprise-spring-framework-best-practices-part-3-xml-config/">  introducing best practices for setting up Spring applications</A>.   </LI>
    								Semika Koku Kaluge has an interesting post on how to use  <a href = "http://semikas.blogspot.gr/2012/07/spring-3-internationalization-and.html">Spring's <CODE>LocaleChangeInterceptor</CODE> to 

    通过 HTTP 请求设置国际化消息的Locale

    							<LI> The  <A href ="http://www.tomcatexpert.com">TomcatExpert</A>  has a blog on <A href = "http://www.tomcatexpert.com/blog/2012/07/09/apache-tomcat-7029-released"> the release of Apache Tomcat 7.0.29</A>. </LI><LI>  Then, <A href ="http://www.tomcatexpert.com">TomcatExpert</A> has  a nice blog on migrating <A href= "http://www.tomcatexpert.com/blog/2012/07/17/migrating-applications-websphere-or-weblogic-vfabric-tc-server-%E2%80%93-july-24th-2pm-et">from Websphere to Weblogic to tcServer</A>, which is the more operations-friendly version of Tomcat packaged as part of VMWare's vFabric. </LI><LI>  Finally, <A href ="http://www.tomcatexpert.com">TomcatExpert</A> has   a nice post on <a href = "http://www.tomcatexpert.com/blog/2012/07/10/enabling-ssl-communication-and-client-certificate-authentication-between-apache-web-">setting up SSL in Apache Tomcat</A>. </LI>

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