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了解更多欢迎来到另一期《本周 Spring》!像往常一样,我们有很多内容要介绍,所以让我们开始吧。
<LI> The ZeroTurnaround blog has a <EM> really</EM> cool little blog on rapid development with Spring and Hibernate.
Of course, Zero Turnaround has a handy little software agent that lets you reload Java classes on the fly. So that's a <EM>huge</EM> gain in productivity right there. That, coupled with XML-free Spring 3.1 and Hibernate 4.1, and you have yourself a <Em>really</EM> awesome combination. To learn more, check out the blog! The example he illustrates are also well <a href = "http://github.com/cloudfoundry-samples/springmvc-hibernate-template">represented in this sample project on GitHub</A>. The example even includes <CODE>web.xml</CODE>, even though it isn't required, just as was done in that blog post, specifically because it's more reliable on the buggy versions of JBoss 7 and Servlet 3 environments aren't ubiquitous, yet.
This is a seriously cool blog post, be sure to read the followups!
的不错的入门博客文章,其中包括一些我早已忘记的细节!Joseph,做得非常好! </LI>
is the one I've been waiting for! It's a very nice read, and I'm glad they've shared it with us, complete with working code and a blow-by-blow breakdown of the pieces. OAuth is complex, Spring Security OAuth (not yet GA!) makes it much simpler, but it's still nice to have guidance.
对象。<a href = "http://biju-allandsundry.blogspot.hk/2012/08/spring-configuration-and-factorybean.html">
some of the nuances of using Java-based configuration
</a>. Specifically, he reminds us to let Spring provide the lifecycle callbacks by routing things through @Bean methods, instead of instatiating the objects directly.
语句中的属性占位符解析。通常,这些语句无法 *查看* 当前应用程序上下文的属性占位符,但是嵌套上下文 *可以* 查看父上下文的属性占位符。解决方案?只需在子上下文中实例化 所有内容,以便 import
语句可以使用父上下文的属性!这个技巧有点狡猾!我喜欢它。记住,子上下文提供作用域——在一个子上下文中定义的 Bean 无法查看在另一个子上下文中定义的 Bean。这使得它对于 Spring Batch Admin 等非常有用,Spring Batch Admin 允许您动态上传和启动新的 Spring Batch 作业(它们本身基于 Spring 配置)。
。<LI> The Middleware magic blog has a nice, complete post on configuring <A href = "http://middlewaremagic.com/weblogic/?p=8092"> Spring to talk to a JBoss AS 7-managed JMS instance</A>. The example is particularly involved because of all the work required to setup JBoss and to build up a client connection to it. </LI>