2012 年 1 月 31 日的 Spring 本周要闻
欢迎回到 Spring 本周要闻 的另一期。
Seems like we were just staring down the holiday season a minute ago, doesn't it? Here we are a month on into the new year, already. Time sure does fly.
- Spring.NET Social 1.0.0 已发布!紧随去年年底发布的 Spring Social 1.0(适用于 Java),Spring.NET Social 1.0.0 已发布,其中包含基础 API 以及 Dropbox、LinkedIn 和 Twitter 的 API 实现。
<LI>Speaking of Spring Social, <A href = "http://www.springone2gx.com/conference/speaker/craig_walls">Craig Walls</a>' SpringOne2GX talk, <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3380">The Rise of OAuth</A>,
is now…