本周 Spring,2012 年 6 月 5 日
欢迎回到本周 Spring 的另一期。和往常一样,我们本周有很多内容要看,所以让我们开始吧。
- Chris Beams 最近关于Spring 支持的各种依赖注入样式的网络研讨会的视频已经发布。Chris 是 Spring 框架的核心工程师(而且非常棒)。这个视频绝对值得一看,尤其是在您仍然认为 Spring 配置需要 XML 的情况下。
</LI> <LI> Oleg Zhurakousky announced the availability of <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/node/3569"> Spring Integration 2.1.2 RELEASE and 2.2.0M2</A>. The new releases are filled with many important bug fixes as well as several new features. </LI> <LI> Roy Clarkson has announced the availability of <a href= "http://www.springsource.org/spring-android/news/1.0.0-released">Spring Android 1.0.0.RELEASE</A>! The project is an extension of the Spring Framework that aims to simplify the development of native Android applications by providing RESTTemplate support for…