Welcome back to another installment of <EM>This Week in Spring</EM>. This week, I'm in Beijing for <a href="http://springonechina.cloudfoundry.com">SpringOne China</a> and, next week, I'm off to India for <A href="http://springoneindia.cloudfoundry.com/">SpringOne India</a>. If you're in Beijing, Bangalore or Hyderabad, I'd love to see you at these events!
<LI>Martin Lippert's announced that the <a href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3757">Spring Tool Suite and Groovy Tool Suite 3.2.0.M1 have been released!</a> </li>
<LI> Tobias…
Andy Wilkinson 宣布发布并提供 Spring Migration Analyzer,这是一个命令行实用程序,用于分析企业 Java 应用程序并生成一份报告,描述该应用程序以及如何将其迁移到 Spring。输入一个 EAR 文件,获取迁移工作量报告。它在里程碑版本中支持 WebLogic、WebSphere、Java EE 和 JBoss,但我们正在寻求 社区支持 以使其在 GA 版本中变得更好!
<a href="http://www.hubberspot.com/2012/10/how-to-use-component-annotation-for.html">How to use <CODE>@Component</CODE>
annotation to automatically configure Spring beans</a>.
与往常一样,Spring Social 社区在提供反馈和贡献拉取请求以使此版本成为可能方面一直很棒。特别感谢 Jeremy Appel 贡献了一个相当大的拉取请求,使 Spring Social Twitter API 绑定与 Twitter API 的 1.1 版保持一致。
这些里程碑版本标志着 Spring Social 1.1.0 的第一步。我们计划在这些里程碑版本上加快速度,直到 1.1.0 GA 版本发布,因此预计在未来几周内将发布另一个里程碑版本。如果您想关注或贡献,我们鼓励您参与Spring Social 论坛、报告错误或建议增强功能,或分叉代码并通过拉取请求回馈。
<LI>Did you miss out at <A href="http://springone2gx.com/conference/washington/2012/10/home">SpringOneOne2GX 2012 in Washington D.C.</a>? Don't fret. We'll release 2 sessions every week on <a href="http://www.springsource.org/SpringOne2012Recordings">springsource.org</a>. We've already released Day 1 and 2 Keynotes. Available now: a talk from Rossen Stoyanchev on "What's New in Spring Mvc 3.2" and a talk from Roy Clarkson and Craig Walls on "Extending Spring Mvc With Spring Mobile and Javascript."
<LI> Our friend Tobias Trelle is at it again! This week, he's <A…