本周 Spring - 2012 年 10 月 30 日
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- Spring Data GemFire 1.2.1 和 GemFire 7.0 已发布!新的 Spring Data 版本包括对所有 GemFire 资源配置的完整 Spring XML 命名空间支持,消除了对 GemFire 本地缓存 XML 的需求(也支持缓存 XML),以及用于 GemFire 的 Spring Data 存储库。另外值得注意的是,GemFire shell (gfsh) 是使用 Spring Shell 构建的。有关 GemFire 7.0 版本的更多信息,请务必查看该帖子,该帖子链接到发行说明和文档。
<LI> Michael Isvy has put together a nice blog <a href=" http://blog.springsource.org/2012/10/30/spring-mvc-from-jsp-and-tiles-to-thymeleaf/">on moving from JSP and Tiles to Thymeleaf</a>, a new view layer that works particularly well with Spring MVC (and that we have talked about quite a bit in this very roundup for the last few years!).</LI>
Spring Security lead Rob Winch has done a nice interview with InfoQ on <A href= "http://www.infoq.com/interviews/robert-winch-spring-security-multi-tenant-applications"> Spring Security in multi-tenant appications on the cloud</a> </LI…