本周 Spring - 2012 年 8 月 7 日
欢迎来到另一期《本周 Spring》!像往常一样,我们有很多内容要介绍,所以让我们开始吧!
- 我简要回顾了 Manning 的新书,《Spring Roo in Action》。请查看它以及这本书!
</li> <LI> The <a href = "http://bit.ly/QWSrml">Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse Now Supports Tunneling to Services</a>. This increases the parity betwen the Eclipse support (and the SpringSource Tool Suite support) and the <CODE>vmc</CODE> command-line client. </LI> <LI> The VMware has a very cool blog taking a look the roles Spring and RabbitMQ play in <a href = "http://blogs.vmware.com/vfabric/2012/07/spring-and-rabbitmq-behind-indias-12-billion-person-biometric-database-1.html">in the new project behind India's 1.2 Billion Person Biometric Database</a>. <EM>Very</EM> cool…