本周 Spring - 2013 年 4 月 9 日

工程 | Josh Long | 2013 年 4 月 9 日 | ...

欢迎来到另一期《本周 Spring》!像往常一样,我们有很多内容要介绍,所以让我们开始吧!

  1. SpringSource 首席技术官 Adrian Colyer概述了 SpringSource 和 Spring 项目在 Pivotal Initiative 下的发展方向和势头,Pivotal Initiative 是从 EMC 分拆出来的一家新公司,其中包括 SpringSource、Cloud Foundry 和 GreenPlum 等。如果您想了解 Spring 在这项新计划中的核心作用,那么这篇文章绝对值得一读!
    <LI> Spring Batch lead Michael Minella has <A href="http://www.springsource.org/node/9666"> announced that Spring Batch 2.2.0.RC1 is now available</a>.
    	The new release includes preliminary support for Spring Data, Java configuration support, non-identifying job parameters 
    	and numerous fixes and polishes. This release is amazing, and definitely worth a look. I, personally, <EM>love</EM> the Java configuration API that's
    	been surfaced. You don't need to write another Spring Batch XML file if you don't want to!

    Spring Mobile 负责人 Roy Clarkson 宣布 Spring Mobile 1.1.0.M3 已发布,该版本在使用自定义域策略与 SiteSwitcherHandlerInterceptor 时提供了更简单的配置,支持 Kindle Fire 设备检测(根据其模式将其检测为平板电脑或手机),解决了几个问题,并与 Spring Framework 3.2.2 兼容。

     	<LI>New SpringOne2GX replays now available in HD on YouTube: <a href="http://www.springsource.org/node/10268">Virtualizing and Tuning Large Scale Java Applications, From Spring and Java to Spring and Akka</a></LI>
     	<LI>The HMK blog has a <EM>really</EM> nice post on how to use the <A href= "http://github.com/CujoJS">Cujo.js</A>'s
    <A href="http://hmkcode.com/spring-mvc-rest-js/">
     <CODE>rest.js</CODE> and Spring MVC</a>. <EM>Very</EM> cool! 
    	The  <EM>JavaRevisited</EM> blog has  put together a 
    	<a href="http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2013/04/spring-framework-tutorial-call-stored-procedures-from-java.html">post on calling stored procedures from Spring</code> using the <CODE>StoredProcedure</CODE> template object. 
    	There are other ways to approach this same problem, including the <CODE>SimpleJdbcCall</CODE> object and simply using the 
    	<CODE>update(String, Object ... params) </CODE> method on <CODE>JdbcTemplate</CODE>. Check it out! 
    		 The <EM>Spring Java Tutorial</EM> blog<em> </em>has a nice post <A href="http://springjavatutorial.blogspot.com/2013/04/call-stored-procedures-in-spring.html">on using  
    		 stored procedures with Spring</A>, and it <EM>also</EM> uses the same domain example - an <CODE>EmployeeDAO</CODE>. 
    		 They aren't exacty the same  - far from it - but it does seem like one heckuva coincadence! At any rate, more information's always good.
    	Spring provides various lifecycle callback methods, <A href="http://www.javabeat.net/2013/04/custom-spring-callback-methods/">which this <EM>JavaBeat</EM> blog looks at</a>.		</LI>
    	The <EM>Binary Beans</EM> blog has a post that <A href="http://www.binary-beans.com/2013/04/getting-started-with-spring-framework.html"> simply links to some interesting, introductory videos</a> that we've published on
    	 <A href="http://youtube.com/SpringSourceDev">the SpringSourceDev YouTube Channel</A>.  If you're a regular reader of this round up then you've seen these videos before.
    	 But, it's a good 3 hours of introductory content and worth a look if you want a good getting started experience.
    	KH Yiu has put together a cool post <A href="http://kh-yiu.blogspot.com/2013/04/spring-implementing-factory-pattern.html"> introducing the concept of a factory pattern</a> (which you're no doubt already familiar with!) 
    	in application code, built with Spring. This is <EM>not</EM> about how Spring uses the factory pattern, and was kind of an interesting approach.
    	Nicely done!
    <LI> Daniel Wong put together a really cool blog illustrating how to <A href="http://blog.shinetech.com/2013/04/09/integrating-springmvc-with-opencms/">tie together Spring MVC with OpenCMS</a>! Definitely worth a look. </LI>
    	The <EM> 11th Hour</EM> blog put together a nice post on <a href="http://deepeshdarshan.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/learn-spring-by-example-spring-expression-language-spel">how to use the Spring Expression Language with some examples</a>.
    	Wang Xiang's  put together a blog.. more like a series of snippets..  demonstrating how <A href="http://wangxiangblog.blogspot.com/2013/04/eclipse-jetty-maven-setup.html">to setup Jetty, a  <CODE>DataSource</CODE>, and Spring together</a>. 
    	The <EM>Java Code Geeks</EM> blog has an introductory post <A href="http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2013/04/spring-mvc-form-validation-with-annotations-2.html">on using Spring MVC with JSR 303 bean validation</A>. Check it out!

    我们的朋友 Mark Serrano 回来了,这次他 撰写了一篇评论,评论了 Spring Security 负责人 Rob Winch 编写的关于 Spring Security 的书籍。

  2. Hippoom Zhou 撰写了一篇不错的文章,介绍了如何在
    Spring 集成测试中使用模拟和存根。这是一篇非常棒的文章,绝对值得一看!

  3. <LI>
    	The awesomely named <EM>Raging Goblin</EM> blog has a nice post on how to do <A href="http://raginggoblin.wordpress.com/2013/04/06/spring-roo-5-role-based-views/">role-based views using Spring Roo and Spring Security</a>. 
    	Peter Chng describes a scheme that can be used to <A href="http://unitstep.net/blog/2013/04/07/spring-mvc-request-parameter-conversion-with-minimal-configuration/"> auto-register custom converters used for data type conversion</A> in core Spring, Spring MVC, and Spring Integration, among other places. Pretty smart! 

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