本周 Spring - 2013 年 1 月 8 日

工程 | Josh Long | 2013 年 1 月 8 日 | ...

欢迎回到另一期《本周 Spring》。像往常一样,我们有很多内容要看,所以,事不宜迟……

  1. GigaOM 对当前大数据生态系统中一些令人兴奋和重要的工具进行了很好的总结。许多不同的工具服务于用例的不同细分市场,
    <a href="http://gigaom.com/2012/12/18/a-programmers-guide-to-big-data-12-tools-to-know/">and of course Spring Data is mentioned in there</a>, too!
    	 The <EM> ODBMS Industry Watch</em> blog 
    		and professor Roberto V. Zicari  
    		has a nice  interview 
    		 <a href ="http://www.odbms.org/blog/2013/01/the-spring-data-project-interview-with-david-turanski">with Spring ninja David Turanski on Spring Data</a>. Definitely a good read!
       Robin Varghese has put together a straight-forward blog on sending email with
    <a href="http://learningviacode.blogspot.com/2013/01/processing-template-text-in-spring.html">dynamic 
    templates driven  by Velocity</a>. This seems to be a common use case, and it's always good to find
    more up-to-date resources. Many people will no doubt have found Matt Raible's    
     post from 9 <EM>years</em> ago on the same subject, 
    	<a href="http://www.theserverside.com/news/1377021/Sending-Velocity-based-E-mail-with-Spring">
    	which is also very illustrative but, alas, a little outdated</a>. Nice to see this more updated approach to an old classic!
  2.  Hey, this is <EM>interesting</EM>! Did you guys know there was a Spring for Delphi (also, I guess, referred to as Spring4D)? 
    Me either... @_@  With that in mind, I found this post 
     introducing  <a href="http://www.nickhodges.com/post/Loop-Less-with-IEnumerable-and-Spring-for-Delphi.aspx">some of the collection libraries that seem both very friendly and powerful in Spring for Delphi</a>. 
  3. Eren Av?aro?ullar? 发布了一篇不错的文章,展示了如何使用 动态语言(特别是 Groovy)与 Spring
  4. Dinesh Rajput 发布了一篇博客文章,介绍了一些 Spring Batch 2.x 版本独有的功能,尽管 Spring Batch 2.x 已经发布多年了,但它始终值得一看!
  5. Java all and Sundry 博客对 Spring MVC 的一个机制 RequestMappingHandlerAdapter 做了很好的介绍。
  6. Alex Soto 回来了,这次带来的是
    <a href="http://www.lordofthejars.com/2013/01/testing-spring-data-mongodb.html">post on unit testing Spring Data  MongoDB with NoSQL Unit</a>! Cool. 
  7. 《Java Success》博客发布了一篇文章,介绍了 JVM 社区中企业集成解决方案的一些概况,并 演示了企业集成的某些概念,特别是使用 Spring Integration
  8. 《Develop and Conquer》博客提供了一个很好的示例,使用一些 技巧来使用 Spring 表达式语言和 @Value 注解注入 java.util.Date。非常酷!
  9. Abhijit Ghosh 使用 Tomcat、Maven、Eclipse (m2e) 创建了一个不错的 基于 SpringMVC 的 HelloWorld 应用程序

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