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你能相信我们已经走过了 12 月的一大半了吗?时间过得真快,是的,我们已经看到了年底的临近 - 但假期通常会在今年这个时候带来 Spring Framework 的发布,所以我们感到很喜庆!我们甚至准备了大量的 SpringSource 按钮来庆祝。
You know what the best part is? Usually, after a new Spring release, the release train of other Spring projects is quick to adopt - so expect lots of releases in the new year!</LI>
<LI> We could just stop right there, you know? BUT, there's more! In this blog post, Rob Winch
<a href= "http://blog.springsource.org/2012/12/17/spring-security-3-2-m1-highlights-servlet-3-api-support/">has answered some of the very common questions we tend to get regarding how Spring Security
integrates in a Servlet 3 environment</a>, and the results are <EM>amazing</EM>!
Definitely worth a read. This stuff, following the new Spring MVC 3.2 servlet 3 support, is sure to make Servlet 3 environments like <A href = "https://tomcat.net.cn">Apache Tomcat 7</a> an attractive offering for anyone doing serious enterprise work: no pain upgrades, lightweight <EM>and</EM> you get all these cool new runtime capabilities with Spring 3.2 and Spring Security.
<LI> Not to be outdone, <a href= "http://blog.springsource.org/2012/12/18/spring-roo-1-2-3-release-available/">Alan Stewart announced Spring Roo 1.2.3</a>, which includes support for Spring 3.2 and a slew of fixes and updates in this, the third maintenance release of 1.2. </LI>
<LI>Are you using Spring with Google App Engine? Lots of people are! Spring's the only way to do serious enterprise Java development on Google App Engine, after all, without giving up a lot of functionality. Nonetheless, Google App Engine has some <em>unique</em> constraints that offer Spring developers some... <em>challenges</em>. This blog post <a href="https://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/spring_optimization">shows how to
address some of these issues on Google App Engine</a>. On every other cloud, including <a href="http://cloudfoundry.org">Cloud Foundry</a>, these "optimizations" are not required or even reasonable, so feel free to ignore them if you're not on Google App Engine. </LI>
Guys, <A href= "http://www.w3.org/News/2012#entry-9667">HTML 5 was just <em>completed</EM></a>.
From the release: "Though not yet W3C standards, these specifications are now feature complete, meaning businesses and developers have a stable target for implementation and planning."
What's this mean for you guys in practice? Not much - HTML5 as we know it has been fairly stable for some time, but if you were looking for a reason to take the plunge, that should be it. And, SpringSource is ushering in the new era of
HTML5 and JavaScript development with <EM>lots</EM> of interesting stuff
aimed at civilizing this new frontier and increasing productivity.
For a peak at some of the new bits, check out the upcoming webinars
<a href= "http://www.springsource.org/node/3768"><EM>IOC + JavaScript</EM></a> and
<a href= "http://www.springsource.org/node/3767">Architecture of a Modern Web App</a>. </LI>
<LI> The steady stream of amazing content from SpringOne2GX DC continues, this time with
<a href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3764">videos introducing WebSockets and how to Secure REST with OAuth 2</a>. Be sure to grab a cup of coffee, sit down and enjoy these two 90 minute videos. Web Sockets is becoming an increasingly important part of the web landscape for messaging, and OAuth is already one of the most entrenched
protocols on the web, providing the foundation for modern day, secured web services with REST, so both of these videos are not-to-be-missed.
<LI> Next, Mark Serrano blog wrote a <a href="http://krams915.blogspot.com/2012/12/spring-social-with-javaconfig-part-1.html"> <EM>very</EM> nice tutorial-style article on using Spring Social, Thymeleaf and Java configuration (already on Spring 3.2!)</a>.