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欢迎来到另一期本周 Spring!我们在周末完成了 SpringOne 中国,今天将在班加罗尔和海得拉巴举行的SpringOne 印度的两场活动中的第一场。这些活动真的很棒!特别是,我们享受了美食、景点以及大量涌现的令人惊叹的社区!
一位与会者在我做关于 Spring on Cloud Foundry 的演讲时拍下了我的照片 | Mark Pollack 博士、我和 Gary Russell 以及 Chris Richardson 在北京的一家餐厅 |
我在班加罗尔做了一个演讲,人们涌上舞台提出问题并打招呼。我请最后一波人和我一起拍照。 | 从左到右:Gary Russel、Josh Long、Jennifer Hickey、Jeremy Grelle、Oliver Gierke、Chris Richardson——整个 SpringOne 印度的阵容 |
<LI> Roy Clarkson has announced <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-android/news/1.0.1-released">Spring for Android 1.0</a>, which adds support for Jackson 2.x in <code>RestTemplate</code> through the new <code>MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter</code>. It also addresses several bugs and compatibility issues with <code>RestTemplate</code> and Android Jelly Bean.</LI>
<LI>The <a href="http://www.tomcatexpert.com">TomcatExpert.com portal</a> has a nice post on Spring Insight Developer to analyze code, <a href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3761">install it with Tomcat, and extend it with plugins</a>. </LI>
<LI>Spring Scala lead Arjen Poutsma has a nice <a href="http://blog.springsource.org/2012/12/10/introducing-spring-scala/">post introducing Spring Scala</a>. </LI>