本周 Spring - 2012年9月18日

工程 | Josh Long | 2012年9月19日 | ...

欢迎来到另一期《本周 Spring》!本周我在伊利诺伊州布卢明顿-诺曼,与 StateFarm 讨论 Spring 项目:MVC、REST、移动和 Android。这里的开发人员都是代码高手。至少可以说,听他们一整天进行内部讨论让我大开眼界。不要错过在华盛顿特区举行的年度 Spring、Groovy 和 Grails 活动:SpringOne2GX。如果您还没有注册,现在正是时候!哦,别忘了,如果您在美国,今天是全国芝士汉堡日!所以……祝您用餐愉快!

    <LI> Chris Beams has announced the availability of <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3654">Spring Framework 3.2 M2</a>, which features many new features including improved <CODE>TestContext</CODE> support, Spring MVC improvements, asynchronous <CODE>@Controllers</CODE>, and lots of bug-fixes and improvements.  </LI>
    <LI> This month's SpringSource webinar is coming fast - <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3653"> Spring Security with Rob Winch</a>. Be sure to register now! </LI>
    <li> Martin Lippert has announced the availability  of the <a href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3658">3.1.0.M1 update for the Spring and Grails Tool Suites</a>.
    The new release includes integrations built on top of Eclipse 3.8 and Eclipse 4.2, updated support for Mylyn 3.8.1, Maven support for Grails projects, and Mac OSX 10.8's Gatekeeper support. </li>
    <li><a href = "http://twitter.com/m_f_">Mark Fisher's</a> epic tome <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/node/3659"><em>Spring Integration in Action</em> is available</a>! </li>
    <li>  Broadleaf Commerce published  <a href="http://www.broadleafcommerce.com/post/why-broadleaf-continues-to-choose-spring">a great blog</a> post about why their project continues to choose Spring over Java EE.</li>
    <li> Jonathan Brisbin has announced the availability of <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3657">the Spring Data REST project, 1.0.0.RC3</a>, which includes a significant number of bug fixes, adds improved JSON representation, better integration of Jackson user-defined <code>Module</code>s, and support for the <a href="https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-hateoas">Spring HATEOAS project</a>.</li>
    <LI> The TomcatExpert portal has announced the availability of <a href  ="http://www.tomcatexpert.com/blog/2012/09/18/apache-tomcat-maven-plugin-20">the Apache Tomcat Maven Plugin, version 2.0</a>, which supports deploying to - and embedding instances of - Apache Tomcat from the Maven build tool. </LI>
      Spring Data ninja Oliver Gierke tweeted the availability <a href ="https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-hateoas/commit/9e728b4660238f96a6ab25a4d63fe443a1c187eb">of JAX-RS support in Spring HATEOAS</a>. Spring HATEOAS, named for the pattern ("HTTP-as-the-engine-of-application-state"), makes it dead simple to build links to other RESTful resources based on the classes that host those resources. In a sense,
       you get type safety when building RESTful URLs.  You build an HTTP URL reference to a Spring MVC <CODE>@Controller</CODE> based on its class. Now, you can do the same for <CODE>@Path</CODE>-annotated JAX-RS classes thanks to this novel pull request. Nice! 
  1. RabbitMQ 博客宣布 RabbitMQ 的新 MQTT 适配器可用。引用MQTT 网站,MQTT 是“一种针对小型传感器和移动设备的轻量级消息传递协议,针对高延迟或不可靠网络进行了优化”。非常酷!
  2. Nicolas Frankel 发布了一篇有趣的文章关于他将 jBPM 4 和 Spring 集成的经验。通常,在这一点上,我会将人们引导到Activiti 开源 BPMNS 2 工作流引擎,该引擎拥有非常强大的 Spring 集成,但 Nicolas 已经尝试过并且由于组织压力而无法适应!因此,至少了解如何集成 jBPM 还是不错的。
  3. Christian Posta 发表了一篇关于如何使用 Spring Integration 处理路由的博文,将持久交换委托给 ActiveMQ 代理
  4. Julio de Jesus 发布了一篇关于使用Spring 3.1 的 bean 配置文件功能在 Spring 应用程序中描述特定于环境的 bean 的博文。
  5. Thymeleaf 项目刚刚宣布对 Thymeleaf 视图模板技术的 Spring Security 集成提供新的支持
  6. <LI> The Technical Notes blog has a great post describing how to <a href = " http://tshikatshikaaa.blogspot.com/2012/09/spring-sitemesh-integration-example.html">integrate Sitemesh with your Spring applications</a>. </LI>
    <LI> Our pal Roger Hughes is back at it, this time with a lovely post on <a href="http://java.dzone.com/articles/spring-31-caching-and">using Spring 3.1's <CODE>@Cacheable</CODE> annotation and the <CODE>CacheManager</CODE> API</a>. </LI> 
    <LI> A new version of the <a href="">C24 Spring Components has been released</a>.  </lI>

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