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了解更多<P> What a week! So much to talk about and scarcely enough minutes in the day to manage.
Without any further ado, let's get on to it! </P>
If you haven't been following his blog recently, you missed an
<a href ="http://gordondickens.com/wordpress/2012/06/12/springsource_tool_suite_faq/"> introduction to the SpringSource Tool Suite - including its composition and value-added features, and answers some common questions</A>.
Besides the great post <a href= "http://gordondickens.com/wordpress/2012/06/12/spring-3-1-constructor-namespace">on Spring 3.1's constructor namespace that we saw earlier this month</A>,
he also had a great post on converting
<a href = "http://gordondickens.com/wordpress/2012/06/13/gemini-blueprint-converting-from-spring-osgi/">
from Spring OSGi projects to the Eclipse Gemini Blueprint namespaces for bundles</A>. Nice job, as usual, Gordon!
Andy Chan has a nice post <a href = "http://www.iceycake.com/2012/06/microsoft-active-directory-ms-ad-authentication-with-java-spring-security-3-1-0/">introducing how to use Spring Security 3.1.0 to talk to Microsoft Active Directory for authentication</A>.
Nice job, Andy! </LI>
<LI> Ben O' Day has put together a wonderful post on using Spring AOP to implement
<LI> The Keyhole Software blog has a couple of very interesting blogs introducing <A href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-batch">Spring Batch</A>: the first introduces <a href = "http://keyholesoftware.wordpress.com/2012/06/22/introducing-spring-batch/">the high level concepts</A> and <a href = "http://keyholesoftware.wordpress.com/2012/06/25/getting-started-with-spring-batch-part-two/">the second introduces some actual code.</A> Definitely worth a read. </LI>
a very cool example introducing how the <a href = "http://linkedjava.blogspot.com/2012/06/stardog-and-spring-framework-example.html">Stardog RDF database server could work with Spring by way of an example: the Stardog Petstore</A>! <EM>So</EM> cool...
Andriy Redko has a nice post <a href = "http://aredko.blogspot.com/2012/06/using-redis-with-spring.html">on using Redis with Spring Data Redis</A>.
Michal Letynski has a nice post on using
<a href = "http://java.dzone.com/articles/spring-31-valid-requestbody">
Spring 3.1's support for the <CODE>@Valid</CODE> annotation on <CODE>@RequestBody</CODE> controller method arguments</A>.
<LI> I suspect we probably covered some of these before, but just to be sure, I wanted to point everybody to this series of blogs introducing the concepts of <a href = "http://biju-allandsundry.blogspot.com/2011/08/simple-introduction-to-aop-session-1.html">AOP, and how they're implemented in practice using the raw JDK, Spring's AOP and AspectJ, which Spring has fantastic support for</a>. For the other blogs, simply scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll find links. </LI>
Madhusudhan Konda, author of O'Reilly's <em>Just Spring</em> and <em>Just Spring Integration,</em> has a new book - this one, called <a href = "http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920025405.do"> <em>Just Spring Data Access</em></A>, which introduces the nitty gritty of the core data-access technologies in the Spring framework (it does not, however, introduce the <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-data">Spring Data</A> technologies). While I haven't read it (though I'll be sure to read it eventually and possibly write a book review!), it looks interesting.
<LI> Arnon Rotem-gal-oz has <a href = "http://java.dzone.com/articles/rabbitmq-and-short-intro-amqp">written a good over-coffee introduction to AMQP and RabbitMQ terminology</A> (if not their application. For that, you might check out this blog <a href = "http://blog.springsource.org/2011/01/25/green-beans-getting-started-with-enterprise-messaging-and-spring/">introducing the Spring support for JMS and AMQP</A> ).
VoltDB 博客有一篇非常好的文章介绍了如何使用Spring 和 VoltDB 构建高吞吐量 Web 应用程序。
Another great post from the VoltDB blog talks about using the Spring Converter API with VoltDB's Data Objects. The idea is a bit unusual, but pretty slick when you think about it: <a href = "http://voltdb.com/company/blog/using-spring-converter-api-voltdb-data-objects">let Spring's generic <EM>converter</EM> registry handle converting Volt's notion of record sets (objects of type <CODE>VoltTable</CODE>) into regular, domain-specific objects</A>. You codify the recipe once - as a Spring <CODE>Converter</CODE>, and then simply reuse it later.
In other data-access strategies, this same effect is achieved using, for example, the <CODE>RowMapper</CODE> callback interface, which lets you codify and reuse the recipe for converting a JDBC <CODE>ResultSet</CODE> into a domain-specific object.
Finally, all of these blogs come to a head in this <a href = "http://voltdb.com/company/blog/686k-tps-spring-framework-web-app-and-voltdb">blog introducing the performance tests done against the previous application</A>. </LI>