本周 Spring - 2012年4月24日

工程 | Josh Long | 2012年4月24日 | ...

欢迎回到另一期《本周 Spring》!在我撰写本文时,我正热切地等待着 Costin Leau 在阳光明媚美丽的乌克兰基辅开始他关于 Spring 与 NoSQL 的演讲,这是Cloud Foundry 开放巡回赛欧洲站的第一站。这次活动的参与人数令人震惊!如果您正在阅读本文,那么您已经错过了参加基辅活动的机会,但请务必注册即将举行的莫斯科伦敦活动。

  1. 在这个 SpringOne 2GX 2011 会议上,Mark Fisher 和 Thomas Risberg 将一个单体企业应用程序转换,方法是将它的关系型数据库更改为 NoSQL 数据库,引入模块化,添加多语言支持,并使用常见的企业集成模式结合消息队列和事件驱动的请求处理。
  2. 你们有没有注意到优秀Spring Roo 实战最终版刚刚出版了吗?
        This book is, as Ben Alex (Spring Roo project founder) put it, "an insightful and comprehensive treatment." I (personally) can't recommend it enough. Ken Rimple and Srini Penchikala, as long time readers of this roundup will know, are frequent Spring community bloggers and 

    定期提供关于 Spring 的所有内容的精彩内容。

  3. 			 <LI>  
    		Blogger Billy Sj&ouml;berg on DZone has a great post on how <a href = "http://www.dzone.com/links/r/bridging_between_jms_and_rabbitmq_amqp_using_spri.html">to bridge JMS and RabbitMQ</A>. 
    		 This example uses <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-integration">Spring Integration</A>, and provides a very powerful example of how to use the Spring Integration JMS adapter and the AMQP adapter. 
    	 The <em>doanduyhai</em> blog 
    	has a great entry on how to use Spring Security to solve a common problem: how do I <a href = "http://doanduyhai.wordpress.com/2012/04/21/spring-security-part-vi-session-timeout-handling-for-ajax-calls/">detect a user session timeout with an Ajax request</A>?  The example comes complete with an introduction and a lot of sample code. 
  4. furiousbob 博客有一篇很棒的文章介绍了如何使用Scala 来构建带有 Spring MVC 的 RESTful 服务
  5. 博主Carlo Scarioni 有一篇很棒的博客介绍了如何创建自定义 Spring 3 XML 命名空间
  6. 博主Duck Ranger 继续了他系列文章的第二部分介绍如何使用SpringSource 工具套件设置 Spring MVC 应用程序。这篇博客超越了依赖内置模板,并着眼于定制 Spring MVC 请求映射。
  7. simple-spring-memcached 客户端 2.0 版本已发布。该项目是 Memcached 缓存服务器的 Spring 集成。它提供了一种配置缓存行为的方法。这个 API 非常棒,但我(个人)非常希望看到 Spring 3.1 的CacheManagerCache 实现。
  8. 博主benkiew 撰写了一篇博客,解释了如何检索对使用一些受支持的 Spring 注解(@Resource@Autowired@Inject)注入的prototype 范围 bean 的引用。这个问题很容易想象:假设我有一个绑定到 HTTP 范围的 bean。它将在每次在唯一的 HTTP 请求中访问时重新创建。范围用于确保 bean 只在每个范围中唯一地重新创建一次。因此,在单个 HTTP 请求期间对同一个 HTTP 请求范围 bean 的十次访问将产生相同的引用,但跨两个不同请求的单独访问将导致创建两个 bean。到目前为止,这与我们的预期很好地吻合。当我注入对不是范围内的 bean 的引用时会发生什么 - 或者,它的范围比范围内的 bean 更长?在这种情况下,您需要一个范围代理 - 一个管理(并根据需要刷新)对 bean 的访问的代理对象。
     Here's a very simple <a href = "https://raw.github.com/gist/2478860/2f736a21a97649c2c1a60c8780c546d4fe62d90c/gistfile1.java">example of injecting a <em>scoped proxy</EM> that is recreated each time the bean is used</A> (e.g., it's recreated each time it's accessed). 
    <LI>  The Java Code Geeks has a great blog that <a href = "http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2012/04/aop-made-easy-with-aspectj-and-spring.html ">introduces AOP</A> (drawing inspiration from  <a href = "http://blog.springsource.org/author/ramnivasl/">Ramnivas Laddad's</A> excellent book <EM>AspectJ in Action</EM>).   </LI>
    <LI>  The <EM>Hot Java</EM> blog has a step-by-step recipe for <a href = "http://javabrowsers.blogspot.com/2012/04/spring-mvc-in-netbeans.html">creating a Spring MVC project using Netbeans</A>.  </LI>
    <LI>  Blogger <em>Petri Kainulainen</em> has put together the next installment of a series of blogs focused on Spring Data, this time introducing the <a href = "http://www.petrikainulainen.net/programming/spring-framework/spring-data-jpa-tutorial-part-seven-pagination/">pagination and <CODE>Pageable</CODE> support</A>. 
    	  The <em>prabinhada</em> blog has a  great look 
    	  <a href = "http://prabinhada.blogspot.com/2012/04/how-to-integrate-jsf20-with-spring-30.html">at how to setup JSF and Spring</A>. The Spring-JSF integration provides the ability to reference and rely on  Spring beans from JSF. Spring 
    	can also manage backing beans. This example gives all the painstaking details of the integration. 
    	Another approach is to <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/roo">use Spring Roo 1.2</A> or later , to create a simple JSF application with <CODE>web jsf setup</CODE> command.
    	This approach will let you choose one of two JSF implementations, setup a theme, setup the internationalization, and much more, all for a few minutes of banging around on the shell.

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