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<LI> First, the big news: <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3476">Spring Framework 3.1.1's Been Released</A>!
The first maintenance release in the Spring 3.1.x line is now available via Maven Central, the <a href="http://repo.springsource.org/release">SpringSource repository</a>, or for direct download from our <a target="_blank" href="http://www.springsource.com/download/community?project=Spring%20Framework&version=3.1.1.RELEASE">community download page</a>. This release includes many <a href="https://jira.springsource.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10000&version=12706">important bugfixes and minor improvements</a> and is a recommended upgrade.
<LI> <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/node/3475">Dr. David Syer's SpringOne2GX talk, <EM>Identity Management With Spring Security,</EM></A>
涵盖单点登录、安全标准(包括 SAML、OpenID、OAuth、SCIM、JWT)、Spring Security 如何融入其中,以及演示身份管理即服务。
<LI> In the SpringOne 2GX video, <a href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3473">Tuning Java for Virtual Environments with EM4J</A>, <a href= "http://blog.springsource.org/author/bcorrie/">Ben Corrie</A> provides a
对 Java 内存管理的全面概述,虚拟环境中事物运作方式的不同之处以及您可以采取哪些措施来避免问题。
如果您错过了 最近的 Cloud Foundry 网络研讨会(涵盖 Spring 开发),您可以 观看视频回放,网址为 Cloud Foundry YouTube 频道。在此视频中,Ramnivas Laddad 向您展示了如何使用 STS 和 vmc 命令行将真实的 Spring 应用程序定向到 Cloud Foundry。
Spring Data Document Lead Oliver Gierke announced that <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3472">Spring Data Mongodb 1.0.1 GA has been released</A>.
<li> Javier Manzano's posted a blog about <a href = "http://www.jmanzano.es/blog/?p=163&lang=en"> efficient RESTful services with Spring Android</A>. Interestingly, I also found <a href="http://www.jmanzano.es/blog/?p=163">this blog, in Spanish, which seems to be the same thing, just translated.</A>
<li> The Java CodeGeeks has an article up, <A href ="http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2012/02/set-up-spring-3-development-environment.html"> on setting up a Spring 3 Development environment</A>. The article introduces the basics, but you can shortcut most of those steps by setting up a JDK and <a href="http://www.springsource.com/developer/sts">STS</A>, as commenters note at the bottom of the page.
In this blog, on <a href ="http://glenn-renfro-dev.blogspot.com/2012/02/adding-attachement-to-email-via-spring.html">Sending Email Attachments with Spring Integration</A>, blogger <EM>Glenn</EM> introduces Spring Integration, the flow of a use case that requires email attachments, and example code, to boot! </li>
<LI> Also on DZone, blogger Roger Hughes has written up a great article on the handy class, <a href = "http://java.dzone.com/articles/using-springs?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+javalobby%2Ffrontpage+%28Javalobby+%2F+Java+Zone%29">the <CODE>SimpleMappingExceptionHandler</CODE></A>, which maps exceptions to error pages in Spring MVC.
Blogger <a href="http://ngjweb.wordpress.com/author/ngjweb/">ngjweb</A> has written up a great overview on
<a href= "http://ngjweb.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/securing-spring-faces-webflow-2-spring-security-3-application/">Securing Spring Faces Webflow 2 flows with Spring Security 3</A>.