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Seems like we were just staring down the holiday season a minute ago, doesn't it? Here we are a month on into the new year, already. Time sure does fly.
<LI>Speaking of Spring Social, <A href = "http://www.springone2gx.com/conference/speaker/craig_walls">Craig Walls</a>' SpringOne2GX talk, <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3380">The Rise of OAuth</A>,
is now available on <A href = "http://www.infoq.com">InfoQ.com</a>. The talk introduces the nuanced world of OAuth, and then introduces how Spring Social and Spring Security can make interoperating with, and providing, OAuth-based services easier. </LI>
<LI> <a href = "http://www.springone2gx.com/conference/chicago/2011/10/speakers/michael_hunger">Michael Hunger</a>, <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-data/neo4j">Spring Data Neo4J</A> contributor and Neo4J ninja, has put together a <EM>very</EM> good guide on the <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-data">Spring Data</A> projects called
良好的关系。良好的关系可从我们的 InfoQ 好友处免费下载。除了是一位多产的编码员(我仍然不相信这个人睡觉……)之外,Michael 还是一位非常优秀的作家。他为这本书贡献了惊人的内容(更不用说附加组件本身了!),这本书由合著者 Steve Mayzak 和我在去年为 O'Reilly 撰写关于 Spring Roo 的内容(也可以免费下载!。感谢 O'Reilly 和 Michael!)。
我推荐这本书——Michael 是 NoSQL 忍者,也是社区中鼓舞人心的声音。
顺便说一句,现在是重新回顾 Michael 在 SpringOne2GX 2011 上的演讲《Spring Data Neo4j 入门》的好时机,同样在 InfoQ 上!
<LI> <a href = "http://www.springone2gx.com/conference/speaker/roy_clarkson">Roy Clarkson</A> and <A href ="http://www.springone2gx.com/conference/speaker/josh_long">Josh Long</A>'s (that's me!) <a href = "http://www.springone2gx.com">SpringOne2GX</a> 2011 talk, <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/node/3381"> Mobile Web Development with HTML 5</A> is also on InfoQ. This talk introduces mobile application development techniques using HTML5. </LI>
<LI> Frequent blogger Alex Soto has a blog on <a href = "http://www.thymeleaf.org">Thymeleaf</a>, the powerful templating
library that works marvelously with Spring MVC. Alex introduces <a href= " http://www.lordofthejars.com/2012/01/once-upon-time-and-long-ago-i-heard.html">Thymeleaf, and a simple Spring MVC and HTML5 Maven archetype</a>, which you can use to bootstrap your own Spring MVC project.
<LI> In large teams with many modules, it is helpful to decouple implementations of services from their interface contracts. Dependency injection, and Spring in particular, make this trivial. Tobias Flohre outlines a structure for building loosely coupled business components with a minimal of fuss. <a href = "http://blog.codecentric.de/en/2012/01/a-business-component-architecture-with-spring-3-03-1-part-1-structure">Tobias employs Spring's Java configuration support to achieve the loose coupling of contracts and implementations</A> - extricating the knowledge about which implementation is being used to the configuration. </LI>
In his blog, Brian Du Preez talks about his latest project and how he got it to work with <a href = "http://www.briandupreez.net/2012/01/spring-3-string-web-services-2-ldap.html"> Spring 3.0, Spring Web Services 2.0 and Spring Security LDAP</a>. Nice job, Brian! Thanks for sharing the details on this - it'll benefit numerous others who are no doubt doing the same sort of thing in their own environments.
<LI> This blog demonstrates <A href ="http://www.jroller.com/ejboy/entry/using_h2_connection_pool_in">how to configure a connection pool in Spring that connects to the in-memory database, H2.</a> </LI>
<LI> Geraint Jones has a nice blog introducing <a href = "http://city81.blogspot.com/2012/01/spring-mvc-and-restful-web-services.html">how to setup RESTful services using Spring MVC</A>. </LI>
<LI> Jeff Zapotoczny details his <a href = "http://www.summa-tech.com/blog/2012/01/23/spring-batch-imperfect-yet-worthwhile/">first steps with Spring Batch and Spring Batch Admin</a>. Jeff felt that <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-batch">Spring Batch</A> was a bit heavy-handed at first (it's easy to get that impression on first blush - it has <EM>so</EM> many features!) but on consulting with his team members he realized that Spring Batch, and <a href ="http://static.springsource.org/spring-batch-admin/getting-started.html">Spring Batch Admin</A>, were just right.
I'll be looking for more of Jeff's journey, and in the meantime, if you've got a batch problem to solve, why don't you take your first steps with Spring Batch?
<LI> The TechArtifact blog has a
<a href = "http://www.techartifact.com/blogs/2012/01/springmvc-example-with-maven.html">Spring MVC example that uses Maven</a>. </LI>
<LI> Lucas Jellema, on the AMIS blog has two interesting Tomcat blogs. The first one <a href = "http://technology.amis.nl/blog/14688/installing-tomcat-7-and-configuring-as-server-in-netbeans">details how to setup Tomcat 7 as a server in Netbeans</a>.
The second
details how to run <A href = "http://technology.amis.nl/blog/14709/running-cometd-2-examples-locally-on-tomcat-using-maven-and-netbeans">CometD examples on Tomcat, also using Maven and NetBeans</A>.
Nice job, Lucas! </LI>