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了解更多欢迎来到另一期《本周 Spring》。本周我们有很多精彩的内容,让我们开始吧。
If you're in Europe, there's going to be a webinar at <a href = "https://vmwareevents.webex.com/vmwareevents/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=663415641">3PM GMT, or 4PM CEST</a>, and if you're in North America, there's going to be a webinar at <a href = "https://vmwareevents.webex.com/vmwareevents/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=668718779">1PM EST or 10AM PST</a>.
Don't be left out, this event's already seen the highest registration of any webinar thus far, so register now, and as usual, I hope to see you there.
<LI> Another session from SpringOne2GX, on <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/node/3365">Writing Applications for Cloud Foundry using Spring and MongoDB</a>, has been posted. The Spring material is presented by data expert Thomas Risberg and the Mongo material is presented by Jared Rosoff from 10gen. </LI>
<LI> Willie Wheeler, author of Manning's <EM>Spring in Practice</EM>, has put together a great blog post called <a href ="http://springinpractice.com/2012/01/14/calling-the-github-api-using-springs-resttemplate/">Calling the GitHub API using Spring's <CODE>RestTemplate</CODE>.</a>
Craig Walls, author of Manning's own <EM>Spring in Action</EM> and lead of the <a href ="https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-social-github">Spring Social Github project</a> read this blog post and reached out to Willie. They started collaborating. A few <a href ="https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-social-github/pull/2">pull requests</a> later and that integrated, cleaned up idea and code is now in Spring Social Github <CODE>master</CODE>, ready to be incorporated in the next release. That's three days from blog to <CODE>master</CODE>! This is a great example of how powerful open source is. Don't hesitate <a href= "http://blog.springsource.org/2010/12/21/social-coding-in-spring-projects/">to get involved</a>, too!
<LI> <a href= "http://blog.cloudfoundry.com/post/13481010498/simplified-application-deployment-with-cloud-foundry-manifest">Cloud Foundry has just announced support for Manifests</a>, which contain deployment information for an application. These manifests can be used to remove many of the tedious interactive prompts encountered when deploying an application using the <CODE>vmc</CODE> tool making deployments much more reproducible. </LI>
<LI> Additionally the Cloud Foundry group has also announced support for installing and running the <a href = "http://blog.cloudfoundry.com/post/13481010538/java-reporting-engine-is-now-available-on-cloud-foundry-via-jasperreports">Java-based Jasper Reports server as a service on Cloud Foundry</a>.
Willie Wheeler's been busy, of late! Some content from his upcoming book is available on the internet. In particular, <a href= "http://www.java-tv.com/2012/01/16/creating-your-first-spring-web-mvc-application/">Creating Your First Spring MVC applications</A> is really good, and worth a read. He also has another post, <A href = "http://springinpractice.com/2012/01/07/making-formselect-work-nicely-using-spring-3-formatters/">
Making <CODE><form:select/></CODE> work nicely using Spring 3 Formatters</a>, that is <EM>definitely</EM> worth a read! It answers a very common question and shows the latest and greatest in best practices. Nice job, Willie!
<LI> The Rai Studies blog has a few great posts this week, including a post on <a href = "http://www.raistudies.com/spring/spring-mvc/ajax-spring-mvc-3-annonations-jquery/">Using Spring MVC 3 with JQuery's Ajax support</a> and a post on
<a href = "http://www.raistudies.com/spring/spring-mvc/file-upload-spring-mvc-annotation/">File Uploads Using Spring MVC 3</a>. </li>
<li> Possibly inspired by the <a href = "http://blog.springsource.org/2011/04/12/roo-cloud-foundry-productivity-in-the-cloud/">Cloud Foundry add-on for Spring Roo</a>, Shekhar Gulati at Xebia has cooked up another PaaS add-on, <a href= "http://xebee.xebia.in/2012/01/09/running-spring-java-mongodb-apps-on-openshift-express-using-spring-roo-openshift-express-addon/">this time for Openshift</a>.
This is a great example of Spring Roo's powerful addon mechanism and the ecosystem thats grown up around it. If Spring Roo doesn't have something for you, <a href = "http://code.google.com/p/spring-roo-openshift-express-addon/">it's easy enough to extend it</a>! Readers of this blog will recall that Shekhar wrote the great blogs introducing Spring Roo on his <a href = "http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/views/opensource/libraryview.jsp?search_by=introducing+spring+roo,">IBM Developer Works series</a>, which, if you didn't read it then, you should read now.
<LI> Ashish Sarin, author of the <EM>Spring Roo Cookbook</EM>, has put some great content up on <A href = "http://spring-roo.blogspot.com/2012/01/view-and-add-dynamic-finder-methods.html">Adding Dynamic Finder Methods in Spring Roo</a>. </li>
<LI> The <a href = "http://www.tomcatexpert.com">TomcatExpert.com</a> site has a great <a href = "http://www.tomcatexpert.com/blog/2012/01/04/year-review-2011">roundup of some of the great content from 2011</a>. </LI>
<LI> Over on the Apache Tomcat mailing list comes news of <A href= "http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/tomcat-announce/201201.mbox/%3C4F155CE2.3060301%40apache.org%3E">an update to Apache Tomcat 6 and 7 designed to fix a severe DoS attack</a>. Please consult the post for information on the attack as well as the appropriate fixes. </LI>