本周 Spring,2011 年 12 月 20 日(节日版)

工程 | Josh Long | 2011 年 12 月 20 日 | ...
<IMG src = "http://www.springsource.org/files/rod-holidays.png" width = "300" style = " float : right;  margin-left : 10px;  " />
		Well, it's that time of the year again!  


  1. 圣诞老人的精灵可以向 SpringSource 工程师学习一两件事!Alan Stewart 在星期六宣布了 Spring Roo 1.2.0 GA 版本。这个版本的 Roo 吸引了许多人的关注。虽然有很多新功能,但我最喜欢的一些功能包括多模块 Maven 项目支持(例如,允许您在与 Web 应用程序分开的项目中构建模型类)、JSF/PrimeFaces 脚手架支持(而不是仅仅支持 GWT、Spring MVC、Vaadin 和 Flex)、服务/存储库支持(使用 Spring Data JPA 和 Spring Data MongoDB;这除了已经可用的 Active Record 样式数据访问对象之外)、以及(更多)灵活的 GWT 支持。

    		<LI>  When Spring 3.1 was released last week, I imagine <a href= "http://www.springsource.org/spring-gemfire">Spring Data Gemfire</a> and <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-data/redis">Spring Data Redis</a> lead Costin Leau hit a big red button that he had prepared for just this occasion. 
    		First, Costin released <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3336">Spring Data Gemfire 1.1.0</a> , 
    			which has <EM>numerous</EM> features!  
    			 Besides supporting Spring 3.1 (including a 3.1-compatible implementation of the Spring Cache API), Spring Data Gemfire 1.1.0  supports PDX (the binary object serialization type supported by Gemfire) attributes on the <CODE>&lt;cache/&gt;</code>, <CODE>&lt;client-cache/&gt;</CODE> namespace, it provides dedicated support for indices, better support for <CODE>Region</CODE> creation, <CODE>CacheServer</CODE> support, queries with variable parameters, and a <code>MessageListenerContainer</CODE> like abstraction that works with Gemfire's continuous queries (CQs). The CQ support is the basis of the GemFire inbound adapter support available in Spring Integration 2.1, due any minute now.. 
    		<LI> Then, Costin released <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3337">Spring Data Redis 1.0.0</a>, a major milestone in of itself!   
    				This release, besides being compatible with Spring 3.1, supports atomic counters, a <CODE>RedisTemplate</CODE>, data access exception translation (consistent with the support you expect from all of Spring's data access technologies), a <CODE>MessageListenerContainer</CODE> abstraction that builds on Redis' pub-sub support, and much more!
    		<LI> But Costin wasn't the only one sitting on a Spring 3.1 compatible release. <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/spring-social">Spring Social</a>   lead Craig Walls    <a href= "http://www.springsource.org/spring-social/news/1.0.1-released">announced Spring Social 1.0.1</a>, which, besides being Spring 3.1- and Spring Security 3.1-compatible, also provides numerous bug fixes and updates.  </LI>
    				Did you guys miss <a href= "http://www.springone2gx.com">SpringOne 2GX 2011</a>? Or, were you, like me, just not able to see all concurrent sessions because those rascally laws of physics prevented you from being in many rooms at the same time? Well, don't fret, <A href ="http://www.infoq.com">InfoQ</a> has recorded many sessions from the conference, and will put them up periodically. 
    • 第一个视频是 Spring Mobile 和 Spring Android 项目负责人 Roy Clarkson,以及 Spring “web” 大佬和 SpringSource 联合创始人 Keith Donald,他们讨论了使用 PhoneGap 构建更好的原生移动 Web 应用程序。公平地说,我错过这个精彩的演讲的唯一原因是我忙于准备另一个演讲。你的借口是什么,哼?
    • Neo4J 科学家兼优秀人士 Michael Hunger 在 SpringOne2GX 上发表了关于 Spring Data Neo4J 的演讲。再次感谢 InfoQ
    • <LI> SpringSource consultant and engineer and all around great guy (seriously, if he's coming to your town, buy him a beer) <a href   = "http://www.dzone.com/links/r/messaging_for_modern_applications.html">Tom McCuch's talk about  messaging architectures in modern applications</a>  from SpringOne 2GX is up.    
      <a href="http://blog.springsource.org/author/peter-ledbrook/">Peter Ledbrook</a>, Developer Advocate for Grails, discusses running <a href="http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Grails-in-the-Cloud">Grails in the Cloud</a>. He compares the different cloud providers out there and looks at some of the best solutions for hosting your Grails applications.
  2. SpringSource 的高级工程师兼 Spring Integration 主要贡献者 Oleg Zhurakousky 在今年的 JavaOne 上接受了 InfoQ 的采访。

    观看此采访,了解Srini Penchikala(来自 InfoQ)和 Oleg Zhurakousky 如何讨论消息传递、Spring Integration 和云架构

        <LI> Greg Turnquist just announced <a href = "http://blog.springsource.org/2011/12/20/spring-python-1-1-1-1-2-1-and-1-3-0-rc1-are-released/">the latest releases of Spring Python, versions 1.1.1, 1.2.1, and 1.3.0.RC1</a>, the <em>Pythonic</EM> implementation of the Spring framework. These are two maintenance releases and one release candidate. Great stuff!
    			Mihai Dinca-Panaitescu has written up a quick, but concise, blog on <a href= "http://java.dzone.com/articles/spring-3-and-application">how to configure beans using external values (property files, or external systems, all together) using Spring 3.0</a>.  

    当然,Spring 3.1 现在也支持 Environment 抽象,这使得从 Java 配置中检索属性变得轻而易举。因此,像往常一样,Spring 为您提供了选择,在这种特定情况下,您可以通过三种不同的方式到达终点。

  3. 同样,Aurelien Broszniowski 在博客中介绍了如何在运行时使用 Maven 的属性过滤来设置系统属性

    对于那些不知道 Maven 的人来说,如果启用资源过滤,Maven 会自动替换属性(与 Spring 的属性支持形式相同:例如 ${foo})。因此,可以通过哪个 Maven 配置文件处于活动状态来区分构建。结果是您为一个配置文件获得一个构建,为另一个配置文件获得另一个构建。

    处理此类问题的另一种方法可能是使用 Spring 3.1 的 @Profile 支持。

  4. Alex Staveley 编写了一篇博客,几乎不用任何代码就介绍了如何使用 Spring 的 RestTemplate。这个说法有两个方面:Alex 具有简洁的才能(本专栏的长期读者知道我显然没有),并且 RestTemplate 确实非常简单!
  5. Eugen Paraschiv 又回来了!这次他讨论的是Spring 3 中的持久性和 JPA 数据访问。这紧随使用 Spring 和 Java 泛型简化数据访问层Spring 3.1 和 Hibernate 的持久性层之后。所有这些都是很好的理由,我强烈推荐它们。有一点需要指出的是,Spring 框架提交者 Chris Beams 确实指出了,虽然此博客的示例使用 Hibernate 3,但 Spring 3.1 也支持 Hibernate 4。
  6. 			Willie Wheeler has written up a blog detailing his approach to domain modeling using  <a href = "http://java.dzone.com/articles/domain-modeling-spring-data">Neo4j and Spring Data Neo4j</a>. 
    			<a href ="http://www.neo4j.org">Neo4J</a>, of course, is the leading,  open source graph database, and <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-data/neo4j">Spring Data Neo4j</a> makes taking advantage of Neo4j, and integrating graph domain models with existing JPA domain models, a sinch. Check out this blog for a real-world example of how. 
    			  </LI>		<LI>
    					 The many enhancements in Spring 3.1 sure have gotten a lot of people excited. Blogger Rafal Borowiec is among them, and has put together a comprehensive enumeration of <a href = "http://blog.goyello.com/2011/12/16/enhancements-spring-mvc31/">the top five
    					new features in Spring MVC 3.1</a>, citing the flash attributes support, improved JSR 303 validation support,     form-encoded <code>PUT</CODE> requests, and Java based configuration, among others. For more, and for examples, check out the blog!
    				<LI> Long time Spring community superstars Cake Solutions has a great blog on <a href = "http://www.cakesolutions.net/teamblogs/2011/11/28/we-still-like-spring/">using Spock Extensions to simply integration testing with Spring</a>. Definitely worth a read, so check it out!   </LI>
    			Have you read Jim Webber's seminal <EM><a HREF = "http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CC4QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.oreilly.com%2Fproduct%2F9780596805838.do&ei=WWvvTunRFMGQiAKftPi8Ag&usg=AFQjCNEWzzYfeDrtYro1a5A3NH6jjUx-Eg&sig2=f7lkOqKfdKuxs2Q_Y14DhQ">REST in Practice</a></EM>? The book describes, among other things, how to use REST. That is, it's one thing to think of REST as being an HTTP-centric RPC mechanism, but to really grok it is something else entirely. On this subject, I can recommend no finer reference than Jim's book and  of course <a href = "http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/rest_arch_style.htm">Roy Fielding's original work</a>. In Jim's book, however, he establishes an example of an automated coffee shop, <EM>RestBucks</EM>, which exposes an API. (This example itself is a twist on the example established in the simialarly seminal <EM>Patterns of Enterprise Architecture</EM>)  
    			It's a wonderful book, a fantastic example, and, more to the point,  it makes perfect fodder for blogger "Furious Bob" to <a href= "http://www.dzone.com/links/r/spring_31_rest_no_xml_caching_support_etag_and_ha.html">demonstrate a cleanly architected   application using Spring 3.1's enhanced REST support</a>.   
        <LI>  Tobias Flohre has put together a rather inspired post on <a href  = "http://blog.codecentric.de/en/2011/12/swt-and-springs-configurable-dependency-injection-for-the-ui">using Spring (and <CODE>@Configurable</CODE>) together with SWT</a>, the UI toolkit used to build such popular applications as Eclipse and SpringSource's very own <a href = "http://www.springsource.com/developer/sts">SpringSource Tool Suite</a>.  </LI>
    		<LI> GWT 2.4 surfaced the <CODE>RequestFactory</CODE> SPI, which is a framework SPI for the <EM>Service Locator</EM> pattern.  
    			So, blogger <EM>imrabti</EM> has details <a href  = "http://crazygui.wordpress.com/2011/09/23/spring-gwt-integration-using-the-requestfactory-api/">how to wire Spring as the <em>service locator</EM> for your GWT applications</a>. Naturally. There were actually a couple of blogs along this thread this week, but I saw this one first and the recipe is fundamentally the same. 
    			Jasypt, a simplified encryption library that integrates naturally with Spring and Spring Security, has <a href = "http://www.dzone.com/links/r/jasypt_19_published_java_simplified_encryption_su.html">just released Jasypt version 1.9.0</a>. Check out the <a href = "http://www.jasypt.org/whatsnew19.html"><EM>What's New</EM></a> section for the lowdown on the new features. Of particular   interest to the  Spring developer of late? The  3.1 support! 
    		<LI> Blogger and <a href = "http://www.packtpub.com/spring-roo-1-1-cookbook/book"><EM>Spring Roo 1.1 Cookbook</EM></a> author Ashish Sarin has written a blog on how to <a href = "http://spring-roo.blogspot.com/2011/12/adding-json-support-to-domain-objects.html">add JSON support to domain entities and controllers using Spring Roo</a>. Nice job, Ashish!  </LI>

    Spring 实践 的作者兼博主 Willie Wheeler 撰写了一篇博客,这在上周帮助了我!在博客中,Willie 描述了如何启用 Jackson(一个 JSON 序列化库)以使用 JAXB2(一个具有多个实现的 XML 序列化标准)注释以及 Spring OXM 库。当然,Spring 将 Spring 对象到 XML(或 OXM)模块作为其核心的一部分提供。灵感在于,如果您想生成实体的 RESTful 视图,则需要使用 JAXB 进行 XML 视图,使用 Jackson 进行 JSON 视图。如果您想配置从 Java 对象到另一个序列化的映射,通常会使用注释对 Java 对象进行注释,这会导致域实体具有冗余的映射注释(一个用于 JSON,一个用于 XML!)。现在,您可以将相同的 JAXB2 注释用于这两种目的。现在,如果我们能够减少 JAXB 和 JPA 之间的冗余就好了……

    			 Self described "Spring afficianado" (he certainly seems like one to me!) Shekhar Gulati has written about how he bootstrapped a proof-of-concept using  <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/roo">Spring Roo</a> and then added support for MongoDB replica sets using <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/spring-data/mongodb">Spring Data MongoDB</a>.  
    			The blog shows <a href = "http://whyjava.wordpress.com/2011/12/12/using-mongodb-replica-set-with-spring-mongodb-1-0-0-rc1/">the Spring Roo commands and the Spring Data MongoDB integration</a> in detail.
                        <LI>Shekhar has got another post worthy of inclusion this week on how to <a href ="http://www.dzone.com/links/r/deploying_spring_roo_applications_on_jboss_as7.html">use Spring Roo to deploy an application against JBoss 7</a> (leveraging a <CODE>javax.sql.DataSource</CODE> configured in JBoss). Short and simple, as is the Roo way.  </LI>
    			Gee, there's lots of GWT represented in this week's roundup! Frank Hinkel has contributed a blog about <a href = "http://frankhinkel.blogspot.com/2011/12/spring-web-and-smartgwt-integration.html">using Spring as the REST endpoint to a GWT  client</a>. To keep things interesting (if a bit odd!), he even uses a CDI security library through a Spring-CDI bridge on top of Spring to secure the Spring controller. He goes through the nitty gritty detail of how the development workflow works for a particular, open source application he's building called  "openKanban."  
    	 The Java Code Geeks have a blog that details <a href = "http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2011/12/configure-logback-logging-with-spring.html">how to use a <CODE>BeanPostProcessor</CODE> to systematically inject 
    	  SL4J <CODE>Logger</CODE> for any field that has a <CODE>@Log</CODE> annotation on it</a>. 
    	 This post is memorable for many reasons: one, it's <EM>useful</EM>! Additionally, it demonstrates how easy it is to have the container handle situations that  it doesn't already know how to handle without waiting for a new release. Remember, the very large majority of the Spring framework APIs are built on the same SPIs that are extended for everyday users!  


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