本周 Spring,2011 年 11 月 22 日

工程 | Josh Long | 2011 年 11 月 23 日 | ...

欢迎回到另一期《本周 Spring》。对于我们美国的朋友来说,感恩节假期即将来临。


本着这种精神,请允许我表达我感激的一件事:感谢各位亲爱的读者,感谢你们成为这个最棒的社区的一份子。你们所做的一切酷事,以及 SpringSource 发生的所有酷事,都让我每周都能乐在其中地整理这份综述。希望你们度过愉快的一周,我们期待下周与大家再次见面。

    		 The video from the <a href= "http://www.springsource.org/node/3311">Spring Data Neo4J screencast is up</a>
    		  and available for those of you who missed it.   In addition to this, there is a <em>lot</EM> of great <a href="http://www.youtube.com/SpringSourceDev">recorded content on the SpringSource YouTube page</a>.
    				Eugen Paraschiv has continued his epic run of blog posts, this time introducing  
    				<a href = "http://www.baeldung.com/2011/11/20/basic-and-digest-authentication-for-a-restful-service-with-spring-security-3-1/">basic and digest authentication for a RESTful Service with Spring Security 3.1</a>. What an amazing series of blogs! Keep it up Eugen, and thanks for this latest post!
    				</li>	<li> <a href ="http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2011/11/cloud-foundry/all/1">WIRED has a great article on  the backstory behind  Cloud Foundry</a>. 
    		 Not a lot of technical information in this particular post, but you do get introduced to some of the awesome <A href= "http://www.cloudfoundry.com">Cloud Foundry</a> team, and there's an awesome story there. Check it out!
    			<LI> Geraint Jones has written up a really <a href= "http://city81.blogspot.com/2011/11/spring-mvc-bare-essentials-example.html">good introduction to setting up a Spring MVC application</a>, complete with code.  
    	<LI> Jorge Hidalgo has written up a <em>really</em>  <a href = "http://deors.wordpress.com/2011/11/04/vmware-cloud-foundry/">exhaustive tour of how to use Cloud Foundry and Spring</a>.  It shows  how to use a SpringSource Tool Suite and the   Cloud Foundry support, 
    					 set up a Spring application, and set up data access using MySQL. 				
    		Do you like the Spring Expression language? Want to use it in a scripting language? 
    		 Alex Soto has a blog discussing <a href= "http://alexsotob.blogspot.com/2011/11/what-wicked-game-you-play-to-make-me.html">how to use the Spring Expression language as a JSR 233 scripting engine</a>.   The Spring Expression language is one of my favorite parts of the Spring framework. 
    		If you look, the large majority 	
    		of the code in that expression language was written by a <a href="http://twitter.com/andy_clement">Andy Clement</a>, another one of the mad scientists 
    		helping make the Spring projects amazing. 
    	 The implementation  of the 
    		<a href ="http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.1.x/spring-framework-reference/html/expressions.html">Spring Expression language</a>, 
    		just like the rest of the framework, is  
    		<a href= "https://src.springframework.org/svn/spring-framework/trunk/org.springframework.expression/">beautiful code</a>, and offers a lot  to learn about if you like grammar and parser design.			
    	<LI>  <a href = "http://www.tomcatexpert.com">TomcatExpert.com</a> has some very interesting  
    		 posts on tuning  

    Tomcat 的性能。第一篇博文是关于在 Apache Tomcat 中设置垃圾回收测量。第二篇博文今天发布,是关于JVM 中的性能调整

    		Do you like <a href= "http://www.cloudfoundry.org">Cloud Foundry</a>? 
        Please consider voting  for Cloud Foundry 
    	at this year's <a href= "http://crunchies2011.techcrunch.com/nominate/?OTpDbG91ZEZvdW5kcnk=">Crunchies</a>. Voting's <EM>really</EM> easy, so don't delay!
    	<LI>  I saw some 
    		 <a href= "http://twitter.com/#!/vFabric/status/138665870422589440">wonderful news</a> on the
    		   <a href="http://www.twitter.com/vfabric">@vFabric</a> account while trolling Twitter today: the 
    		<a href= "https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-migration-analyzer">Spring Migration Analyzer's been open sourced and made available</a>! 
    		The Spring Migration Analyzer  is a tool that analyzes Java EE applications for possible routes to a leaner, cleaner Spring based application. 
    			 It produces a report when  run  on a <code>.war</code> file.
    			 For more information on how to run the tool,  see the <a href="https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-migration-analyzer/blob/master/README.md"><CODE>README</CODE></a>.

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