本周 Spring,2011年10月18日

工程 | Josh Long | 2011年10月19日 | ...

精彩的一周!如果您是企业 Java 开发人员,那么您无疑已经听到了这个消息——Spring 3.1 RC1 刚刚发布!继续阅读以了解更多详情,如果您有任何问题或反馈,请务必在论坛上发表您的意见!

当然,如果您下周参加SpringOne2GX 2011,您还可以期待听到更多关于 Spring 3.1 的信息,以及所有 Spring 技术的最新进展。我们期待在那里见到大家!


  1. Spring 3.1.0.RC1 已于上周发布!因此,Spring 3.1 GA 的发布进程开始了。Chris Beams 通过这篇公告启动了这一切。然后,Spring 项目负责人 Juergen Hoeller 接着发表了这篇博客文章,详细介绍了新功能。 Spring 3.1 的第一个候选版本现在可以从 Spring 的里程碑存储库获取,或者通过社区下载页面直接下载。此版本包含诸如以下的新功能:
    Support for Hibernate 4.0 (up to date with 4.0 CR4), 
    Complete <CODE>TestContext</CODE> framework support for <CODE>@Configuration</CODE> classes,
    Flash scope for Spring MVC, 
    Support for Quartz 2.0,  
    77 bug fixes, 16 new features, and 66 improvements. Wow! To learn more about what's new in Spring 3.1, be sure to <a href="http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.1.0.RC1/spring-framework-reference/html/new-in-3.1.html">check out this document.</a>
      Martin Lippert today announced the <a  href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3287">release of SpringSource Tool Suite 2.8</a>. The new IDE contains all sorts of features, and updates. It's built on top of  Eclipse Indigo SR1, it
    	includes full IDE support for Java 7 (coming with the Eclipse 3.7.1 update),
    	support for Spring 3.1 bean profiles, including validation and navigation,  
    	support for Spring 3.1 c-namespace including quick-fixes, validation and content-assist,  
    	improved constructor-arg validation and quick-fixes, 
    	updated Eclipse Maven integration (m2e 1.0.100), including migration assistance,  
    	support for Groovy 1.8.2, and 
    	support for Grails 2.0.0.M2. As this  new release bundles m2e (the Eclipse plugin formerly known as <em>m2eclipse</em>), there are <a  href="http://blog.springsource.com/2011/10/18/upgrading-maven-integration-for-springsource-tool-suite-2-8-0/">some steps</A> you'll need to be aware of when upgrading. 


  2. Spring Integration 2.1 M2 已发布。它包含许多修复和新功能,包括重构(更简单、更灵活)的聚合器和重新排序器、XPath 过滤器、JDBC 存储过程适配器和基于 AMQP 的消息通道。请务必从社区下载页面获取这些版本。


    本专栏的读者会记得InfoQ录制了巴黎“What's Next”的会议,我们看到了 Adrian Colyer 关于企业中云计算的主题演讲。InfoQ 刚刚发布了来自 Rob Harrop(Spring 核心开发者和 RabbitMQ 工程师)和 Jags Ramnarayan(GemFire 首席架构师)的另外两个视频。Rob 介绍了使用 RabbitMQ 进行多语言消息传递,而Jags Ramnaraya 介绍了 SQLFire,这是一个可扩展的 SQL 数据库,为 NoSQL 存储提供了一个引人注目的替代方案。

  3. RabbitMQ 团队的 Chris Harris 刚刚发表了一篇精彩的文章演示如何将 MongoDB 的连续查询机制与 RabbitMQ 配合使用。一位优秀作者的精彩作品。希望了解更多关于 RabbitMQ 信息(来自 SpringSource 的开源消息代理)的读者,应该查看 SpringSourceDev YouTube 频道中的此网络研讨会。
  4. 	 <LI> Ramnivas Laddad, from the CloudFoundry team,  <a href= "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SpringSourceTeamBlog/~3/td3vscam9RA/">introduces the numerous services available on CloudFoundry</a> for Spring developers.
    		   Services offered in Cloud Foundry make writing efficient and effective applications possible. When you're writing an application for CloudFoundry, don't worry about <em>whether</EM> there's a service available -   instead focus on  <em>which</EM> service  you'll use. 
     <LI>This new post introduces one of the more intriguing tricks you can play with the Spring application context: <a href="http://java.dzone.com/articles/spring-make-externally-created">Spring: Make an Externally Created Object Available to Beans in applicationContext.xml</A>  If your Spring beans need access to an object that is not created by Spring itself, you can  "inject" it into the context by using a static parent context and registering the object with it. Beans can then reference it just as if it was defined in the application context file.
     <LI>Micro Cloud Foundry has been updated, and now offers more supported services - including RabbitMQ and PostgreSQL support - which is identical to the <a href="http://www.cloudfoundry.com">publicly hosted CloudFoundry.com</A>
    	<a href = "http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/VMware-Micro-Cloud-Factory-now-includes-PostgreSQL-and-RabbitMQ-1359716.html">This  post introduces some of the changes in the update.</a>  If you're a Spring developer, consult <A href= "http://blog.springsource.com/2011/08/24/micro-cloud-foundry-for-spring-developers/">this video</A> on getting started with the Micro Cloud Foundry.
    	 Spring Data JDBC Extensions with <a href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3286">Oracle Database Support 1.0.0.RC1</a>  has just been released.  Among the many improvements, there is better documentation chapter for QueryDSL SQL module,
    	 OSGi manifests, and updated  slf4j/log4j and other dependencies.
     <LI> Spring's Message Listener container has been, and remains, one of the most powerful ways to build JMS applications.  In order to receive JMS messages, Spring provides the concept of message listener containers. These are beans that can be configured to receive messages that arrive on specified <code>javax.jms.Destination</code>s  asynchronously - that is, you don't wait for the messages.   
    	<a href= "http://city81.blogspot.com/2011/10/spring-jms-listener-adapters-and.html">This post does a fine job</a> introducing the concepts and configuration required to have your application  notified when a message is received from a JMS broker. 
    </li> <LI> Ken Rimple, co-author of Manning's <EM>"Spring Roo in Action,"</Em>  M 
    	 <a href ="http://www.rimple.com/tech/2011/10/18/roo-in-the-corner-new-features-in-trunk.html">writes about all the  great changes in Spring Roo 1.2</A>. As he notes in the article, some break things and some are great. Either way, these are all <em>in-flight</EM> changes and are subject to change. There's a reason why working off of trunk is called <EM>living on the edge</EM>!  Check it out!  </li>
  5. Sergi Almar 正在制作“Spring 谜题”——一些与 Spring 相关的琐事问题。我认为这些非常有趣。你知道答案吗?这是第一个谜题,而这是第二个,于上周刚刚发布。干得好,Sergi!
  6. 卡在 JBoss AS 上,但希望让您的 Spring 应用程序更舒适一些?JBoss 刚刚发布了其 Spring-JBoss 集成库的 2.0 版本,SnowDrop
  7. 当然,我相信您已经注意到,我们已经稍微修饰了SpringSource.org 网站。所有内容都位于其一贯所在的位置,因此您所有的书签和订阅仍然有效,但我们重新排列了一些结构,以便更容易找到您需要的内容。我们希望您喜欢它,如果您有任何反馈或意见,请在Meta 论坛上启动一个线程。

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