了解更多欢迎回到“本周Spring简报”的另一个环节。本周我们有很多关于Spring Roo的内容,因此,本着这种精神,为了纪念本周综述中所有与Roo相关的精彩内容,我建议我们今天称之为“Roo日”。
Spring Social也在其他地方获得了很好的报道,包括adtmag.com上关于新1.0版本的这篇文章。
<LI> <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/node/3235">SpringSource Tool Suite 2.7.2 has been released.</a> The new release features
support for vFabric tc Server 2.6,
support for Spring Roo 1.2.0.M1, and also updates Mylyn to 3.6.2. Great stuff!
<a href = "http://blog.springsource.com/2011/09/14/spring-roo-1-2-0-m1-released/">Spring Roo 1.2.M1 released. </a>
The new release is a <EM>really</EM> exciting one. There are some exciting <em>backoffice</em> changes, of course, like the switch from GPL to Apache 2, and <a href ="http://www.github.com/springsource/spring-roo">the migration of the code to Github.com</a>, but those are absolutely the least interesting bits in this new milestone.
The first, and obvious, improvement for any user will be the speed boost: Spring Roo 1.2 is now <b>ten times faster</b>.
<a href ="http://www.github.com/springsource/spring-roo">Spring Roo's moved to Github.com!</a>
The source code is now available on the <a href ="http://www.github.com/springsource/spring-roo">SpringSource Github page</a>.
There's a <code>readme.txt</code> at the root of the directory (or, indeed, presented inline on the Spring Roo Github.com page) that you
can follow to start hacking on Spring Roo. If nothing else, having the Spring Roo source code is helpful to learn how to write your own custom add-ons, so check it out!
Stefan Schmidt chimes in to talk about the <a href="http://blog.springsource.com/2011/09/14/new-application-layering-and-persistence-choices-in-spring-roo/">the application layering and persistence choices for Spring Roo</a>, providing details on some of the features enumerated in the new release.
<LI>Speaking of Spring Roo... and Cloud Foundry.. <a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/16/roo_vmware_springsource/">here's a <em>busy</em> post</a> on both of them. It feels like it should be two or three posts, but good stuff, either way! </li>
<LI> <a href= "http://www.thymeleaf.org/whatsnew11.html">Thymeleaf 1.1's just been released!</a> Thymeleaf is a view template library (like Velocity or FreeMarker) that offers a very clean integration for <a href= "http://www.thymeleaf.org/thymeleafspring3.html">Spring users.</a> Check it out! </li>
<LI> Jan Machacek at CakeSolutions has written up a post about his extensions to the Specs2 specification testing framework, <a href=
"http://www.cakesolutions.net/teamblogs/2011/09/06/beantables-and-more/">BeanTables</a>, which lets you inject and work with Spring beans from your specifications.
The blog's helpful, but I would definitely also check the <a href="https://github.com/janm399/specs2-spring">Github.com page itself for a good introduction</a>.
<LI>Singaram Subramanian
has written up a blog on <a href= "http://singztechmusings.wordpress.com/2011/09/18/getting-started-with-spring-integration-v2-a-simple-example-using-file-and-mail-adapters/">how he was tasked with solving an email integration problem</a> and decided to use Spring Integration. The blog details the code and approach and even talks a bit about the patterns involved. Nice blog, Singaram! </lI>