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了解更多欢迎回到另一期《本周 Spring 快讯》!本周,@springsource 正在俄勒冈州波特兰参加 OSCON(以及 OSCON Java 和 OSCON Data)。如果您在这里,欢迎参观我们在展览大厅的展位,或查看日程安排,了解任何众多 Spring 讲座!
如果您错过了 OSCON,或者只是想获得更好的 Spring 体验,请务必注册参加 SpringOne 2GX 2011,这是 Spring、Grails 和 CloudFoundry 开发人员的首要盛会。SpringOne 2GX 是一个独一无二的会议,面向开发应用程序的应用程序开发人员、解决方案架构师、Web 运维和 IT 团队,他们开发业务应用程序、创建支持多设备的 Web 应用程序、设计云架构以及管理高性能基础设施。这些会议专门针对使用广受欢迎的开源 Spring 技术、Groovy & Grails 和 Tomcat 的开发人员。无论您是构建和运行关键业务应用程序,还是设计下一个杀手级云应用程序,SpringOne 2GX 都将让您了解最新的企业技术。
You should too: <a href="https://redis.ac.cn/">Redis</a> is an open source, advanced key-value store known for its excellent performance, its small footprint and embed-ability. <a href="http://www.springsource.org/spring-data/redis">The Spring Data</a> project makes it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies such as non-relational "NOSQL" databases and cloud based data services. Check it out! </li>
<a href= "http://www.springsource.org/node/3189">Spring Data Graph 1.1.0.RC1 with Neo4j support Released</a>
The key changes in the Spring Data Graph 1.1.0.RC1 release candidate include:
。 </li>
The new milestone updates include:
<LI>Native support for the upcoming GemFire 6.6</LI>
<LI>CacheServer support</LI>
<LI>GemFire implementation for Spring 3.1 cache abstraction</LI>
<LI>Support for queries with variable parameters</LI>
<A HREF ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3187">Spring Data JPA 1.0</a> GA's been released! This powerful framework makes it easy to build JPA-driven repository objects.
这是一段漫长的旅程,但很高兴看到这个强大的框架达到 1.0 GA。
Kal Wahner
has written an overview of <a href= "http://java.dzone.com/articles/rapid-cloud-development-spring"> the deployment of Spring Roo applications to Google App Engine</a>, another cloud environment that Spring supports readily.
He indicates his intention to write up another post, next week, on CloudFoundry, which I would love to see! Good stuff, too. NB: this isn't very technical; e.g., it's more of a a discussion of the broad strokes than a recipe, but he links to a more technical post that might help, too.
<DIV><A href="http://www.tomcatexpert.com/blog/2011/07/20/apache-tomcat-7019-released">Apache Tomcat 7.0.19 has been released!</a>
Apache Tomcat 7.0.19 includes security fixes, bug fixes and the following new features compared to version 7.0.16:
接口:它的用途是什么?以及为什么?我写了一篇关于接口的具体细节以及 Spring 3.0 和 Spring 3.1 中经常更合适的替代方案的两部分文章。FactoryBean
的文章。这绝对很棒,因为它为 Scala 开发打开了 Spring 框架的一个强大部分。请查看! <LI> Marco Tedone has written up a wonderful post on using an <A href="http://tedone.typepad.com/blog/2011/07/outofmemoryerror-warning-system-with-spring.html">OutOfMemoryError warning system - as described in issue #92 of Dr. Heinz Kabutz's wonderful newsletter -
with Spring</a>
This is fantastic, and useful!
<LI> Spring MVC is very powerful and easily employed in your application (in Spring 3.0, you need only specify <CODE><mvc:annotation-driven /></CODE> to enable it; alternatively in Spring 3.1, you need only specify <CODE>@EnableWebMvc</CODE> to enable it). It's also very flexible, and can be configured in many ways. One of the pluggability planes is the view technology: there are common recipes for using JSP, Tiles, Velocity, FreeMarker, XML, JSON, PDFs, Excel spreadsheets and much more for Spring MVCs. If none of these meet your requirements, you can look to the open source community to leverage others, <a href="http://www.thymeleaf.org/"> including one called Thymeleaf.</a> Here's <a href="http://www.thymeleaf.org/thvsjsp.html">a comparison of Thymeleaf to JSP<a> as a Spring MVC view technology. Here's a tutorial on <a href= "http://www.thymeleaf.org/thymeleafspring3.html"> setting up the view technology in Spring MVC.</a> Powerful, and simple!
请查看!Tapestry 模板和 JSF 的 Facelets 用户将在这项视图模板技术中看到很多值得喜欢的地方 - 请查看!
Apache Tomcat 7 includes several security updates that further harden the application server that came directly from the Bugzilla queue. One new feature, the Security Lifecycle Listener, helps ensure that Tomcat is started in a reasonably secure way.