本周 Spring:2011年4月19日

工程 | Josh Long | 2011年4月20日 | ...

欢迎回到本周 Spring。上周 Cloud Foundry 发布公告的热情非常高涨,而且似乎越来越强烈!世界各地的人们纷纷涌向 SpringSource 和 CloudFoundry 论坛、下载页面和源代码存储库。真是前所未有的活跃!

SpringSource 最近推出的许多强大技术都为 Cloud Foundry 的发布做了铺垫,因此,我邀请您回顾一下过去几个月发布的一些令人兴奋的内容,这些内容在云计算和Cloud Foundry方面变得更加有趣:Spring GemfireSpring AMQPSpring 3.1 配置文件Spring 3.1 缓存抽象Spring DataSpring Integration 对 NoSQL 的支持Spring HadoopvFabric HypericvFabric RabbitMQvFabric GemFire。当然,对于所有这些技术,首选也是最好的工具和开发体验仍然是SpringSource Tool SuiteSpring Roo。


  1. Christian Dupuis 刚刚撰写了一篇关于使用 STS 部署到 Cloud Foundry的详细博客。
  2.  <li><A href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3103">Spring Roo 1.1.3</a>, featuring 
     Cloud Foundry support, shell enhancements, and improved support for composite primary keys - among other things - has been released. 
    	 <li> DZone has published a <a href="http://refcardz.dzone.com/refcardz/spring-roo-open-source-rapid?oid=hom38521">Spring Roo RefCard</a> by the Spring Roo team's <a href="http://www.twitter.com/schmidtstefan">Stefan Schmidt.</a> This RefCard's a fantastic way to get going quickly with Spring Roo. Spring Roo, it could be argued, is ideally suited to the RefCard format, because 6 pages is more than enough to get real results with Spring Roo! </li>
    <A HREF="http://blog.springsource.com/2011/04/18/spring-data-graph-1-0-neo4j-support-released/">Spring Data Graph 1.0 with Neo4J support has been released!</a> The Spring Data project - as you know - supports various NoSQL technologies and - wherever possible - promotes <em>polyglot persistence</em>. Polyglot persistence is all about augmenting existing applications with more specialized, sophisticated data models wherever possible and appropriate. The Spring Data Graph project   delivers on this vision, providing a natural way to map domain objects to both JPA-supported data stores <em>and</em> the Neo4j graph database. Beyond this, of course, there's support for all the goodies you've come to expect from the strong Spring APIs, including a convenient, idiomatic <code>Neo4jTemplate</code>, JSR-303 (Bean validation support), and much more. Check it out! The Neo4J team also have a sibling blog post, <A href="http://blog.neo4j.org/2011/04/spring-data-graph-100rc1-released.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Neo4jBlog+%28Neo4j+Blog%29">here</a>.  
    	 <LI>The Spring Data Graph Neo4 announcement blogs, linked above, is a fine place to get started. If you want even more, then you're encouraged to   register, and watch, tomorrow's webinar, <a href="http://app.connect.vmware.com/e/es.aspx?s=524&e=18891291&elq=f06ea6af3abc4df6a06f327458e8dca0&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNH7JGeQTYbSnd8FZve4JWssFrGZMQ">Getting Started with Spring Data Graph</a>.</li>
     <LI>  <a href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3104">InfoQ has posted a new video from SpringOne 2GX 2010</a> providing an introduction to Spring.NET, comparing it with Spring for Java, and explaining how Java-.NET interoperability works. 
  3. Spring.NET REST 客户端 1.0.0 版本现已可用。这是过去两周内的第四个 .NET 版本!干得好,伙计们!
  4. JTeam 小组宣布了 Axon 框架的 1.0 正式版,这是一个建立在SpringSpring Integration 之上的框架,用于支持命令查询责任分离 (CQRS) 设计模式。
  5. <li>	 
    Using Windows? Want to run Cloud Foundry locally? (and who wouldn't?)	Check out this blog compiling research and proferring a solution to  run Cloud Foundry on Windows, called <a href="http://java.dzone.com/news/world-your-oyster-installing?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+javalobby%2Ffrontpage+%28Javalobby+%2F+Java+Zone%29&utm_content=Google+Reader">The World is Your Oyster: Installing and Using Cloud Foundry on Windows.</a>
  6. Spring 的优势之一始终是,并且也将永远是,其令人难以置信的可移植性。Andy Hulstkamp 描述了使用 Spring MVC、SpringSource Tool Suite、Google App Engine 和 Flex。请查看。
  7. Java.net 有一篇关于如何使用 Spring AOP 的文章与 Oracle 的 Eclipse 工具一起使用。对于使用该技术且无法迁移的用户来说,这是一篇值得一读的文章。请注意:所涵盖的 Spring 2.5.6 技术与当前版本不符(Spring 3.0 于 2009 年 10 月发布,2.5.6 发布早于此!),但它仍然是一篇引人入胜的文章,因为 Spring AOP 向后兼容,并且它涉及许多人仍在使用的技术。
  8.  <LI>David Salter has written about how to convert an older Spring MVC controller implementation into a Controller using the annotation model introduced in Spring MVC  2.5. Check this out for a brief (the brevity  reflects how simple the migration is, not the sophistication of the technology :-D )   <a href="http://java.dzone.com/articles/converting-spring-controller?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+javalobby%2Ffrontpage+%28Javalobby+%2F+Java+Zone%29&utm_content=Google+Reader">look at the process.</a> Naturally, old-style Spring controllers still work in Spring MVC with no problems. Users are encouraged to migrate as possible to exploit new features, however.</li>

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