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了解更多RabbitMQ 是一个基于 高级消息队列协议 (AMQP) 的功能强大的消息代理。由于 AMQP 规范的特性,它很容易从许多平台连接,包括 Python。在本篇博文中,我们将
import pickle
import random
import time
class Ticker(object):
def __init__(self, publisher, qname):
self.publisher = publisher
# This quickly creates four random stock symbols
chars = range(ord("A"), ord("Z")+1)
def random_letter(): return chr(random.choice(chars))
self.stock_symbols = [random_letter()+random_letter()+random_letter() for i in range(4)]
self.last_quote = {}
self.counter = 0
self.time_format = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000"
self.qname = qname
def get_quote(self):
symbol = random.choice(self.stock_symbols)
if symbol in self.last_quote:
previous_quote = self.last_quote[symbol]
new_quote = random.uniform(0.9*previous_quote, 1.1*previous_quote)
if abs(new_quote) - 0 < 1.0:
new_quote = 1.0
self.last_quote[symbol] = new_quote
new_quote = random.uniform(10.0, 250.0)
self.last_quote[symbol] = new_quote
self.counter += 1
return (symbol, self.last_quote[symbol], time.gmtime(), self.counter)
def monitor(self):
while True:
quote = self.get_quote()
print("New quote is %s" % str(quote))
self.publisher.publish(pickle.dumps((quote[0], quote[1], time.strftime(self.time_format, quote[2]), quote[3])), routing_key="")
secs = random.uniform(0.1, 0.5)
#print("Sleeping %s seconds..." % secs)
此应用程序随机创建四个股票代码,然后开始创建报价。它最初会在 10.0 到 250.0 之间选择一个随机值,然后继续在先前价格的 90% 到 110% 之间随机调整价格。然后,它会在 0.1 到 0.5 秒之间随机等待,然后再发出下一个报价。此代码设计的一个重要部分是,发布到 AMQP 代理已与股票行情分离。相反,它期望在构建时注入发布者服务。
需要注意的是,我们正在使用 pickle 来序列化我们的股票报价数据元组。在 AMQP 中,消息的主体只是一系列字节。存储的内容以及如何序列化不是规范的一部分,而必须由发送方和接收方约定。在我们的情况下,发布者和订阅者都同意它包含一个 pickle 化的元组。
from amqplib import client_0_8 as amqp
class PyAmqpLibPublisher(object):
def __init__(self, exchange_name):
self.exchange_name = exchange_name
self.queue_exists = False
def publish(self, message, routing_key):
conn = amqp.Connection(host="", userid="guest", password="guest", virtual_host="/", insist=False)
ch = conn.channel()
ch.exchange_declare(exchange=self.exchange_name, type="fanout", durable=False, auto_delete=False)
msg = amqp.Message(message)
msg.properties["content_type"] = "text/plain"
msg.properties["delivery_mode"] = 2
您可能想知道为什么主体的内容类型为“text/plain”,因为它是一个序列化消息。这是因为 Python 的 pickle 库以 ASCII 加密的格式编码数据,可以使用任何工具查看而不会导致奇怪的行为。
import pickle
import random
import uuid
class Buyer(object):
def __init__(self, client, qname, trend=5):
self.holdings = {}
self.cash = 100000.0
self.history = {}
self.qname = qname
self.client = client
self.trend = trend
self.qname = uuid.uuid4().hex
def decide_whether_to_buy_or_sell(self, quote):
symbol, price, date, counter = quote
#print "Thinking about whether to buy or sell %s at %s" % (symbol, price)
if symbol not in self.history:
self.history[symbol] = [price]
if len(self.history[symbol]) >= self.trend:
price_low = min(self.history[symbol][-self.trend:])
price_max = max(self.history[symbol][-self.trend:])
price_avg = sum(self.history[symbol][-self.trend:])/self.trend
#print "Recent history of %s is %s" % (symbol, self.history[symbol][-self.trend:])
price_low, price_max, price_avg = (-1, -1, -1)
print "%s quotes until we start deciding whether to buy or sell %s" % (self.trend - len(self.history[symbol]), symbol)
#print "Recent history of %s is %s" % (symbol, self.history[symbol])
if price_low == -1: return
#print "Trending minimum/avg/max of %s is %s-%s-%s" % (symbol, price_low, price_avg, price_max)
#for symbol in self.holdings.keys():
# print "self.history[symbol][-1] = %s" % self.history[symbol][-1]
# print "self.holdings[symbol][0] = %s" % self.holdings[symbol][0]
# print "Value of %s is %s" % (symbol, float(self.holdings[symbol][0])*self.history[symbol][-1])
value = sum([self.holdings[symbol][0]*self.history[symbol][-1] for symbol in self.holdings.keys()])
print "Net worth is %s + %s = %s" % (self.cash, value, self.cash + value)
if symbol not in self.holdings:
if price < 1.01*price_low:
shares_to_buy = random.choice([10, 15, 20, 25, 30])
print "I don't own any %s yet, and the price is below the trending minimum of %s so I'm buying %s shares." % (symbol, price_low, shares_to_buy)
cost = shares_to_buy * price
print "Cost is %s, cash is %s" % (cost, self.cash)
if cost < self.cash:
self.holdings[symbol] = (shares_to_buy, price, cost)
self.cash -= cost
print "Cash is now %s" % self.cash
print "Unfortunately, I don't have enough cash at this time."
if price > self.holdings[symbol][1] and price > 0.99*price_max:
print "+++++++ Price of %s is higher than my holdings, so I'm going to sell!" % symbol
sale_value = self.holdings[symbol][0] * price
print "Sale value is %s" % sale_value
print "Holdings value is %s" % self.holdings[symbol][2]
print "Total net is %s" % (sale_value - self.holdings[symbol][2])
self.cash += sale_value
print "Cash is now %s" % self.cash
del self.holdings[symbol]
def handle_pyamqplib_delivery(self, msg):
self.handle(msg.delivery_info["channel"], msg.delivery_info["delivery_tag"], msg.body)
def handle(self, ch, delivery_tag, body):
quote = pickle.loads(body)
#print "New price for %s => %s at %s" % quote
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag = delivery_tag)
print "Received message %s" % quote[3]
def monitor(self):
self.client.monitor(self.qname, self.handle_pyamqplib_delivery)
此客户端将其买卖股票的策略很好地隔离在接收来自 RabbitMQ 的消息的机制之外。
def monitor(self, qname, callback):
conn = amqp.Connection(host="", userid="guest", password="guest")
ch = conn.channel()
if not self.queue_exists:
ch.queue_declare(queue=qname, durable=False, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False)
ch.queue_bind(queue=qname, exchange=self.exchange_name)
print "Binding queue %s to exchange %s" % (qname, self.exchange_name)
#ch.queue_bind(queue=qname, exchange=self.exchange_name, routing_key=qname)
self.queue_exists = True
ch.basic_consume(callback=callback, queue=qname)
while True:
print 'Close reason:', conn.connection_close
这展示了连接到我们的 RabbitMQ 代理、声明队列、将其绑定到扇出交换机,然后注册回调的基本模式。
重点是,从 py-amqplib 迁移到 pika 实际上非常容易。基于 AMQP 的方法是相同的,底层概念也是相同的。让我们看看如何使用 pika 编写一个备用的 AMQP 服务。
import pika
class PikaPublisher(object):
def __init__(self, exchange_name):
self.exchange_name = exchange_name
self.queue_exists = False
def publish(self, message, routing_key):
conn = pika.AsyncoreConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
credentials=pika.PlainCredentials('guest', 'guest')))
ch = conn.channel()
ch.exchange_declare(exchange=self.exchange_name, type="fanout", durable=False, auto_delete=False)
content_type = "text/plain",
delivery_mode = 2, # persistent
block_on_flow_control = True)
def monitor(self, qname, callback):
conn = pika.AsyncoreConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
credentials=pika.PlainCredentials('guest', 'guest')))
ch = conn.channel()
if not self.queue_exists:
ch.queue_declare(queue=qname, durable=False, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False)
ch.queue_bind(queue=qname, exchange=self.exchange_name)
print "Binding queue %s to exchange %s" % (qname, self.exchange_name)
#ch.queue_bind(queue=qname, exchange=self.exchange_name, routing_key=qname)
self.queue_exists = True
ch.basic_consume(callback, queue=qname)
print 'Close reason:', conn.connection_close
这与之前显示的其他服务非常相似。创建连接有点不同,但包含相同的数据部分,例如 broker 的主机以及 username 和 password。basic_publish 略有不同,因为消息及其属性是在方法调用中一起放入的。py-amqplib 在稍微不同的结构中声明整个消息及其属性,然后将其作为单个参数传递给 basic_publish。规范的好处在于知道所有重要部分都在这两个库中。
与 py-amqplib 相比,pika 支持不同的等待机制。py-amqplib 具有阻塞等待,而 pika 同时提供阻塞机制以及使用 Python 的 asyncore 实用程序 进行异步操作的机制。我们可以在以后关于 RabbitMQ 和 Python 的博文中探讨这一点。
def handle_pyamqplib_delivery(self, msg):
self.handle(msg.delivery_info["channel"], msg.delivery_info["delivery_tag"], msg.body)
将其与 pika 的回调方法签名进行比较。
def handle_pika_delivery(self, ch, method, header, body):
self.handle(ch, delivery_tag, body)
它们非常接近。重要的部分都在那里。差异基于 pika 拆分消息的部分,而 py-amqplib 将所有内容组合到单个类中。这就是回调方法和实际提取消息主体的 method 之间存在解耦的原因。通过提取必要的部件,可以在这两个库之间切换而无需重写我们的买卖算法。
# To run this demo using py-amqplib,
# uncomment this block, and comment out
# the next block.
#from amqplib_client import *
#publisher = PyAmqpLibPublisher(exchange_name="my_exchange")
# To run this demo using pika,
# uncomment this block, and comment out
# the previous block
from pika_client import *
publisher = PikaPublisher(exchange_name="my_exchange")
# This part doesn't have to change
from ticker_system import *
ticker = Ticker(publisher, "")
此运行程序可以在运行 py-amqplib 或 pika 版本的股票行情系统之间切换。现在我们只需要一个经纪人服务的运行程序。
# To run this demo using py-amqplib,
# uncomment this block, and comment out
# the next block.
#from amqplib_client import *
#publisher = PyAmqpLibPublisher(exchange_name="my_exchange")
# To run this demo using pika,
# uncomment this block, and comment out
# the previous block
from pika_client import *
publisher = PikaPublisher(exchange_name="my_exchange")
# This part doesn't have to change
from buy_low_sell_high import *
buyer = Buyer(publisher, "", trend=25)
print "Buyer = %s" % id(buyer)
在以后的博文中,我们可以考虑使用 Pythonic DI 容器运行相同的代码。